Minnesota Babies

Looking for a Doula Recommendation


I am in the Twin Cities area and am looking for a doula, preferably one that does birth and postpartum work. I will be attending the Childbirth Collective's next introductory meeting, and have researched on their site and on Dona International, but I'd like a more personal recommendation.  Any thoughts?


Re: Looking for a Doula Recommendation

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    Are you closer to Minneapolis or St. Paul?

    We picked our doula through the St. Paul Childbirth Collective - we interviewed three of the doulas we met at different Parent Topic Nights and ended up picking Dawn Heinen.  We haven't delivered yet but have been really happy with our choice so far.  But honestly, I feel like we couldn't have gone wrong with any of the doulas we interviewed.

    Go to a few of the Parent Topic Nights and you'll get a good idea of what their personalities are like and who might work well with you.  Pick a few to interview and trust your gut.

    Good luck!

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    Linda Posthumus is amazing.  ( I know, her last name is a little off-putting)  She has this amazing ability to really key in to both what Mom and Dad need.  One of her skillsets is keeping Dad engaged when he's missing some important signals.  Her humor and positive attitude are inspirational, and she's a natural with babies.  She also does prenatal massage!  check out www.massagehealingartscenter.com 
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    Ok, I realize that I'm totally tooting my own horn, but I'm a doula and I think I'm pretty good if I do say so myself Wink. I do both birth and post partum and also offer breastfeeding support and guidance. Feel free to PM me if you'd like more info or just want to ask questions about what to look for in a doula :)
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