
Graco Quattro Tour Duo Trvl System

Do any of you have one or have an opinion on this model?  (Now that we've heard the heartbeats I feel that I can start officially start interviewing products.)

I checked this out a BRU and pushed it around the store and it seemed nice, but I also have no freaking clue about any of this and wanted to enlist your expert opinions.  TIA!

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Re: Graco Quattro Tour Duo Trvl System

  • We spent a lot of time in BRU with it, putting car seats in and out, folding and unfolding, etc. and we loved it.  We got it for our shower and played with it more at home and still love it.  We are in a walk friendly neighborhood (tons of families, parks all over, sidewalks everywhere) so we wanted something that could easily hold carseats for store/DR appointment trips and be a regular stroller for walks and not take up a ton of room in our smaller 1940's bungalow.

    We did not like side-by-side's or the DSNG.

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  • We bought one after the girls outgrew the DSNG.  It's a nice stroller, but it is heavy and bulky.  It's good for shopping at the mall or trips to the zoo, but to use as an everyday stroller, I wouldn't recommend it.

     I highly recommend getting a DSNG for when they are still in infant seats.  It is soooooo lightweight and easy to handle.  Really, it makes your life so much easier. 

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  • That's what I have and love it. It's easy to open and close. The seats snap in easy. I recommend it.
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  • I like it, but I really don't have another double stroller to compare it to.  It does feel like I'm pushing a bus, but it would be like that with any double stroller.  I highly recommend also getting 2 lightweight single strollers - we tend to use the singles more than the double because they're so much easier to maneuver.
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