So I started today-2 days early. I was sure I was pg. Apparently that was just wishful thinking. Now I don't know if I want to have another one. I have thought this for awhile. I always imagined having at least 2 kids and I know DH wants another one. I would love for DD to have a sibling. However, I just don't know if I can go through it again. I threw up the ENTIRE pg with DD and had a horrible delivery (4th degree, they messed up sewing me up, surgery 3 months later with a colorectal surgeon, still have occasional issues). Obviously, I would have to be a c-section. I worry about recovery while taking care of a 3 yr old. Not to mention I have really been enjoying my sleep lately and a newborn would knock that out (selfish reason, I know). Some days I feel like I don't give DD enough attention (exhausted from work, getting stuff done around here, etc) and I don't want to do that to another kid. I worry about the stress of another child on our marriage. Also, I am tired of feeling like a "failure" every time I have a negative pg test.
Any advice, encouraging words? Please no flames. I'm not asking anyone to make the decision for me. I just need to get this all out and get my thoughts straight before talking to DH. I know that he would never "make" me have another one. However, I know he would like another one.
Re: need to have a discussion with DH
I'm not sure this is advice per se, but just some info for you to help factor into your decision:
1. I had a c-section w/ no. 2 and recovery/taking care of my almost 3 year old was not bad. Of course this could vary given your circumstances, but I'm just saying it's not a given that it will be terrible.
2. Having another child will be hard short-term, i.e. being sleep-deprived, trying to coordinate two kids, splitting your attention, etc. however, long-term could bring a lot of joy. As an only child, I have gotten so much joy out of watching my two boys interact and how much they love playing with each other. I am so glad they each have the gift of a sibling.
That's not to say all your worries aren't valid, just two "positives" to think about in regards to a second child. It's a huge decision if your gut is making you hesitate. Good luck.