We have several multiples in our families. My husbands father's side has twins, his mother's side has twins, my mom had twins, my cousin had twins, and my grandfather was a twin. When I went for my preconception check up, I told my docter about it and she said we had a really good chance of having twins, but it might not work the first time. What do you guys think? Why do you think it wouldn't work the first time?
Re: Do we have a chance?
Your husband's history has nothing to do with your chance of conceiving twins.
Your side might, if the twins were fraternal because your body could be pre-disposed to releasing two eggs.
Im not sure what you mean by "the first time" You mean the first time you get pregnant you might not have twins? Thats true, you might not. But if you get pregnant again and you are pre-disposed to twins, you could. And you might not even get pregnant at all the first time, if thats what you mean. You only have a 20% shot each month under perfect circumstances.
Did he tell you why it matters on dad's side? I ask because it's basic biology. Your H's genes don't cause him to have super sperm to coax extra eggs from your ovaries. It doesn't work that way.
Your mom having fraternals does slightly increase your chance of also having fraternals.
I agree with all the pp. If your Dr. said that both the male and female have an effect, he probably meant your paternal side (i.e. if you grandmother passed on a super ovulation gene on your father's X chromosome and he then gave it to you). Your DH's genes have nothing to do with this.
I also agree with the poster that told you not to "wish" for twins or any other order of multipes. Are they "cute"? Yes. Is a female's body meant to carry more than one fetus? No. Having multiples automatically puts you in a high risk pregnancy category. We have LOTs more Drs. appointments than women carrying one baby. Twins are born, on average at 35-36 weeks and that is only the average. Many many many are born well before 35 weeks. Very few make it past 38-39 weeks. Is this what you "wish" for? I don't understand people that "wish" this....perhaps you haven't thought it through.
Ditto this exactly. I'm not even 30 weeks yet and I've been on bedrest a total of 10 weeks, the last two in the hospital. Not to mention the 3 hour appointment with an MFM when I was 10w hearing about all the ways my babies could die, I could die, or all the medical problems they could have just because my body was not made to carry two babies at once.
Are we happy we were able to get pregnant after almost 2 years? Absolutely. But the constant fear I experience daily at every twinge, pain or change in my pee is something I wouldn't wish on anyone, let alone during pregnancy.
I also agree with PPs. Wish for a healthy baby, not for twins.
They run in my family too but it didn't matter a bit because ours are identical and therefore a fluke.
Ditto the others. I am having spontaneous triplets with 2 identicals and a fraternal. There are twins in my family: my dads mom had stillborn twins (unsure of twin type) and my mothers fathers mom had the same (unsure of twin type). Having a singleton already, this came totally unexpected.
I'm telling you, I do not wish this on anyone especially someone with a toddler and a disabled husband like myself. I'm only 15 weeks and look like I did at 25w with my DD. I know bedrest is coming soon. All I wanted was 1 healthy baby and now all I want are 3 healthy babies.
Steal my kids picture or pretend they are yours, I will find where you live and ship all of their dirty diapers to your doorstep. Promise.
After 2 rounds of IVF & 2 rounds of FET, we were blessed with identical twin girls!
What do you guys think? Why do you think it wouldn't work the first time?
My magic 8-ball says No. Seriously though, how in the heck would any of us know if you are going to get pg with twins the first time? We don't have a magic screen in your ute to see if you're releasing more than one egg.
I was asking because I wanted to know what everyone THOUGHT, ggzz, I guess I should stick to the other posts, since they're alot nicer!