I took Andersen to the pedi today for a suspected ear infection. Sure enough, he still has one/has another one. The doc wrote me a script and we went to Target to fill it.
After a FORTY MINUTE wait with two cranky boys, I was finally able to pick it up. I told them up-front we're between regular insurance plans, so I'd have to pay the full amount out of pocket. I just did this last week for my antibiotic I had to get for my mastitis -- I was expecting a similar $23 bill.
$69.50. For a child's antibiotic. The GENERIC.
Are you freaking kidding me?
And since it took over forty minutes, the doc's office was closed, so the pharmacist couldn't reach him to see if there was a cheaper alternative.
You better believe I decided to wait until tomorrow to see if there is, in fact, a cheaper alternative.
Re: Sixty-Nine effing Fifty!
Some of the grocery stores around here offer free generic antibiotics. I'm not sure what's on the list that they offer, but maybe you could see if anywhere near you offer that service?
His pedi actually wanted us to watch him for a couple days before starting it to see if it cleared up on its own anyway. He said not to even fill it until tomorrow, but I'll be at work and then a meeting and wouldn't have had time.
If he was supposed to start right away, I would have paid anything.
I count my blessings because Riley has never had one. I did see my nephew when he had one and I felt so bad for him, I'm glad it's not that bad. Nothing worse than sick kids.
That's crazy. You'd think antibiotics would be much less for how common they are. Sorry he isn't feeling well. I know, it is just so hard to see them sick for so long.
Our insurance changed 01.01.10 so we now have to reach a $600 deductible on all prescriptions. We filled Rory's asthma meds the second week of January and it was $367, which only lasted her a week because she ended up having an asthma attack a couple days later. At least we are over half way there, I guess.
Really? $70 for an antibiotic AFTER insurance doesn't sound expensive to you? If it was really the only option of course I'd fill the script, but I know many people who simply would be unable to find, borrow, or beg $70. I suspect that we live worlds apart, LOL.
it seems way high to me, but I think omnicef was 65 BEFORE insurance. I dunno. Definitely talk to the doc and maybe see if you can get the eardrop antibiotics plus a less $$ oral as a combo ?
Good luck. I freakin' hate ear infections.
I would not expect to pay 69.50 for a common child's antibiotic.
I paid a little more than that out of pocket for my 9 headache pills which I do expect.
I wouldn't have paid it either. I'd either be calling Wal-Mart or the pedi for something cheaper.
We have a local grocery store that has a few antibiotics for free (for everyone/anyone). My pedi always starts with that (amoxicillin) and it's worked every time for DS's EI's.
I hope your DS feels better soon!