We are going to my girlfriends house tonight for dinner and for P to play (possibly swim in there indoor pool), etc. She has 3 kids of her own (and is expecting #4 in June), so she has been through the terrible 3's already.
The last few days have been "trying" with P, to say the least and I'm thinking of starting the night with apologizing for P's bad behavior that he is bound to show...lol.
Re: Have you ever apologized "before" a playdate for your dc's behavior?
I meant to reply to your earlier post about terrible behavior when sick. My DS has done the exact same thing the last couple times he has been sick. Its awful, like he's possessed! And, its not just the terrible 3's, its definitely something about being sick. I knew exactly what you were talking about! My DS is typically very well behaved, with his 3 yr old moments of course! But, this is different! I feel your pain! The last time, it lasted so long that I actually took him back to the Dr thinking something else must be wrong. When the Dr told me he was fine, I said, "well then you need to give ME some medication cause I can't take this behavior anymore!!".
And, I'm betting with friends to play with and a new environment, he'll be fine tonight. Don't apologize in advance!
I ended up not apologizing in advance and he was just fine. There were a couple of times that he wouldn't listen at first, but ended up doing as he was told (w/o a punishment).
Omurray - it is totally like that. He is almost always well-behaved, but while he has been sick (just about a week now), he has been playing me like crazy. It's making me insane! I'm so glad you have experienced the same with your dc and I'm not the only one.