3rd Trimester

If you had your choice of how long you could stay in the hospital...

how long would you stay?

Honestly, if I could pick, I'd have her VERY early in the morning (4 or 5 o'clock) and stay one night and leave the following evening.

I had DS at 8:00 at night, by the time I got to my PP room it was 10PM and I was exhausted so we went right to sleep. By the end of the next day I was climbing the walls and ready to go home. I had to stay one more night to get the "all clear" from my OB. She came in at 8:00 AM the next day and cleared me to go home...we were checked out by 10, lol. From the time he was born until the time he left I spent a whopping 38 hours in the hospital.

It's not that I hate hospitals. They don't scare me and I feel comfortable with the care I receive. I just don't feel like I need to be there. Our hospital has a "rooming in" policy so LO will be 100% my responsibilty (except for vitals) from the moment she's born. IMO, I can do that in the comfort of my own home, lol

Of course, I wouldn't go so far as to check us out against medical advice or anything but, barring any issues, I want to spend as little time as possible there.


Re: If you had your choice of how long you could stay in the hospital...

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    Well... my hospital requires a minimum of two nights. Not two days, two nights. And I'm fine with that. Honestly...I'd probably be okay with a third night...lol. Sean has to work and can't take any leave so the longer I'm there the easier things will be I think. I'm sure I'll be ready to go though.
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    I agree I would want to say as little as possible.



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    I agree I would want to say as little as possible.

    Since this is my first, as little as possible.

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    Im with you on this one. I really dont want to be there any longer than medically necessary..I would much rather be home 

    DS #1- Ares Christopher

    DS #2- Taj Lee

    DD #1 Alba Gray

    Baby #4- coming in May

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    my hospital requires a min. of 36 hours b/c there is a test they run on the baby at 36 hours after birth. As long as my DH is with me a majority of the time I think I will be fine.
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    Well... my hospital requires a minimum of two nights. Not two days, two nights. And I'm fine with that. Honestly...I'd probably be okay with a third night...lol. Sean has to work and can't take any leave so the longer I'm there the easier things will be I think. I'm sure I'll be ready to go though.

    Hmmmmm...I wonder if my hospital has a minimum stay...I guess that's a question for my OB this Thursday!

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    As little as possible. No more than a night.
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    Actually I think this time around I will stay as long as they let me. With ds I wanted to leave as soon as they let me. He was born at 5:11 pm on friday evening and I wa sout by 10 am on sunday.

    Since I have a little one at home already I think this will be the only time I can rest and not have to worry about a toddler, so I am gonna stay until they kick me out.  hahaha But who knows I could have her and miss ds so bad that I will want to leave and be in my own home. We shall see


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    With DD and DS, I wanted my stays to be as short as possible.  Both times, admitted in middle night, had them by 9am and left the next day by mid-day.

    I am hoping that this baby will be the same.


    DD#1 11/7/04 DS#1 6/24/06 Chemical Pregnancy 6/08 DD#2 1/28/10 after secondary infertility, Clomid, & acupuncture missed m/c 6/2010 at 8 weeks (baby stopped growing @ 5.5) DS born sleeping 1/13/2011 due to cord accident at 22 weeks. DD#3 3/10/2012
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    I'd rather be at home as soon as possible. My hospital will keep moms who delivered vaginally for up to two nights but most times you can be released early. As long as I'm feeling good, I'll be getting out there as soon as they say "go."
    Ashley & Jeff Married since August 2007 BFP Cycle #16, Clomid 100mg DD #1 born on March 25, 2010 TTC #2 as of May 31, 2011 Image and video hosting by TinyPic Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    Actually I think this time around I will stay as long as they let me. With ds I wanted to leave as soon as they let me. He was born at 5:11 pm on friday evening and I wa sout by 10 am on sunday.

    Since I have a little one at home already I think this will be the only time I can rest and not have to worry about a toddler, so I am gonna stay until they kick me out.  hahaha But who knows I could have her and miss ds so bad that I will want to leave and be in my own home. We shall see

    I'm anticipating this. I go nuts when DS spends a weekend with his father. I miss him like crazy!

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    I wish they would let us leave as soon as I give birth, I would like to stay in the hospital for as short as time as possible.
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    I'm was the opposite with my first pregnancy.. I was so scared to leave the comfort and care of the nurses and take this human home with me! I think I stayed 3 nights? And the 3rd night was basically optional... they asked me if I wanted to stay or leave and I opted to stay just one more night! lol

    This time around since I have DS I don't want him to have to stay away from us too long.. I'm being induced at 5am, hopefully she'll be born that afternoon or night and I can get discharged the next morning or afternoon..

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    Actually I think this time around I will stay as long as they let me. With ds I wanted to leave as soon as they let me. He was born at 5:11 pm on friday evening and I wa sout by 10 am on sunday.

    Since I have a little one at home already I think this will be the only time I can rest and not have to worry about a toddler, so I am gonna stay until they kick me out.  hahaha But who knows I could have her and miss ds so bad that I will want to leave and be in my own home. We shall see



    This! I wanted to go home so bad with my 1st DD. Now, I am hoping for some much needed rest and pampering before going home and having to do it all myself.

    Not that I won't want to be in the comfort of my own home, but the thought of getting my oldest ready for school while breastfeeding and caring for a newborn is a scary thought!

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    Until they kick me out! I have a 2 and 4 yr old at home and I know how much sleep I will get once there. So the longer I am in the hospital with the nursery care....the better.
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    I actually don't mind staying two nights, as our hospital offers rooming-in but doesn't require it (and my OB actually suggests taking advantage of the break), so I'd likely get better sleep at the hospital, especially since I won't have to worry about DD1 either since she'll be home with DH. Being stuck there for a whole day after the baby is born is probably more than I'd like, but I'll most likely have visitors to keep me from getting too bored. However, if the flu season restrictions are still in place, and DD1 can't visit me in the hospital, I'll probably be more anxious to get home.

    Ideally, I'd go into labor in the morning (so I'm not stuck there for a third night during labor like I was with DD1), have the baby in the afternoon, stay two nights with one whole day in between, and leave the third morning.

    Emily 11.29.2007 | Kate 4.3.2010 | James 8.22.2013
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    I want to stay as long as they'll let me! My parents are flying in for the birth, and I think I'd much rather stay at the birthing center with just me, DH, and LO than go home and deal with entertaining my parents on top of having a newborn. I can't look forward to home until I know it'll just be the three of us, which as of now isn't even happening since DH will have to go back to work as soon as my parents leave. Sigh. Birthing center time will be savored, for sure.
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    Ideally, 1 night.  I had DS at 1 AM!  My hospital follows the "2 nights after birth" rule...so I was stuck there for the longest time possible.  Two full days and left the next morning.  It was way too long.  I'm going to try to push for 1 night this time pending any medical issues, peeing after circ, etc.
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    I want out of there ASAP! I just like my home and I have so much family around I am not worried about bringing a new baby home! My hospital has a 24hr policy you can stay 48 if you want. Only problem is my hospital won't release you after 3pm so if I have Silas say on a Tuesday at 8pm I have to stay till thurs morning before I can go home, but if I have him say Tuesday at 11am I can be discharged wed at 11am so long as he and I both check out!
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    I was supposed to give birth at a birth center and they only have you stay for long enough to recover. They said it averages about 6-8 hours. It's supposed enough time to breast feed, take a nap, and breast feed a second time. 

    I am now giving birth at a hospital and can't wrap my head around how long I have to stay there! I would so much rather be home in my own bed. 

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    After my first c/s, I begged my doctor to let me out after two days.  I really, really hated being there.  This time (different hospital, different doctor) I've already talked to the OB about getting out after two days.  He's fine with it.  Any sooner than that, I think I would be a little shaky on my feet still.  But I don't want to stay longer than necessary.
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    A week.  I LOVED being in the hospital with DS!  It was like a relaxing little vacation for DH, me, and the baby.  And with a c/s, I really feel like the slower you take your recovery, the better.  Once I got home, I was eager to cook and clean and it was exhausting.

    And now that I have a toddler at home, the idea of laying in a bed and being served food, taking long naps, etc. sounds heavenly.  I'll miss DS horribly, but he's going to have my parents here spoiling him rotten so I won't feel guilty about staying as long as possible.

    the bug & bee blog
    (read it. you know you want to.)
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    vivian . february 2010
    mabel . august 2012
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    As little time as possible. I'd rather be in the comfort of my own home, and since X is going to be rooming in with me it's not like I'm going to get any sort of break by staying at the hospital longer.
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    As little as possible.  I'm still contemplating a home birth (my midwife does both).
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