
my parents need discipline!

Whenever they babysit for us, they pretty much let ds do what he wants. Last week he was getting over a bout of constipation. He's a picky eater, won't touch a veggie, and will eat crackers all day if you let him. We decided no more, and limited the snacks and lo and behold got him to eat normal foods all last week, and got his bowels back to normal. So friday my parents babysit b/c daycare is closed. I specifically told her that he is to have breakfast and lunch, and he can  have a snakc in between each, but something healthy. I told her about the constipation too. She said Ok. My dh was in the next room and heard every word. I came home from work, and ds immediately said he wanted a snack. I asked what he had todya. My mom said, "well, he had waffles this morning. Then he wanted a cookie, so I gave him one, and then he said he wanted ice cream, so your dad took him to get a cone. He had his cone and half of dad's. Then he had another cookie in the afternoon. And he didnt' nap b/c he was just so full of energy." WTF??? I was pissed, and so was dh. So he had absolutely nothing nutritious all day long and was overtired from not napping. I don't know what else to do. My parents DON'T LISTEN!! I don't care if I come home to a messy house, or that he's covered in dirt or whatever. But PLEASE give him something of nutritional value and get him down for a nap. They let a 3 year old dictate what he will and won't do. And my mil is the same way. She lets him have crackers for breakfast. OMG I don't know how to handle them anymore.

Re: my parents need discipline!

  • The ONLY way to handle it is to not have them babysit.  Unfortunate but true.

    They are GRANDPARENTS, not parents so they will do what they see fit. 

    I know, harsh.  But honestly, your child (and his bowels) can handle one day of off schedule eating and napping.  Sure, it isn't fun for the parents to get the kids back on track and it would be GREAT if grandparents would actually listen but they have already raised their kids and don't want to deal with things like ...discipline!  They just want the kid to be happy! 


  • Grandparents aren't great as daycare.  My parents are wonderful to my girls but they spoil them rotten.  I joke that we have to detox the kids to get them over grammy-itis.   
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  • I'm sorry but I'm over the whole "they're grandparents so they'll spoil him rotten" deal. WE are his parents and WE expect them to at the very least give him a good meal and a nap. If they want to take him out for an ice cream cone, fine. But don't let him skip lunch and eat junk food all day. MY grandparents didn't let me do that and I turned out just fine. They spoiled us in other ways. We got taken out for treats, IF we behaved and actually ate our meals. Of course he's going to tell you he's not tired, HE'S 3!!
  • But they are spoiling him and if you don't like it, you need to arrange other daycare. 
  • Honestly, if you are that adament that they follow your rules, and they don't I would only use them for the occasional day trip. It seems like they were doing you a favor because your usual daycare was closed. I agree with Jodi, one day of fun isn't going to kill him or have them watch him at your house and have your approved foods available for them.
    Audrey Elizabeth 11-11-06 image
  • "WE are his parents and WE expect them to at the very least give him a good meal and a nap" But THEY obviously aren't complying with that. So you can either deal with that, or find other childcare.  Usually unpaid childcare follows their OWN rules.  If you want someone to follow YOUR rules, pay them.
  • I think you are taking this too serious.  It was 1 day of junk.  Also if it really bothered your DH since he was in the next room he should have said something. 
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  • imageJodi&Joe:
    "WE are his parents and WE expect them to at the very least give him a good meal and a nap" But THEY obviously aren't complying with that. So you can either deal with that, or find other childcare.  Usually unpaid childcare follows their OWN rules.  If you want someone to follow YOUR rules, pay them.

    I agree 100%

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  • I get both sides to a point. Yes, it's the grandparent's place to spoil but if the grandparent is filling in as a caregiver (paid or unpaid) they should follow the parent's wishes. Especially when concern over foods have been raised.

    I am a bit of a health nut when it comes to DS. I've seen my MIL give our nieces and nephews things that kids just shouldn't eat. Are they alive and well? Yup. Does my MIL give my son things I don't agree with - not to my knowledge. I've made it clear that he is to eat healthy foods and treats need to be okayed by us.

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