DS#2 has been nursing between 3-6 times a day for a while, before each nap (1 or 2), before bed, and in the mornings twice, plus if the looses it during the day (gets hurt or whatever). Today he nursed in the morning and that's it. He didn't nurse at nap two days ago or at bed yesterday either.
I'm nervous about mastisis because even with the slow wean with DS#1 I got it bad. Should I pump, or try and force him to eat? Do I let him eat in the middle of the night when I'd like to be done or let him cry? Or do I just offer and if he nurses okay and if he doesn't okay?
I'm okay being done with nursing, mostly:)
Re: Anyone's DC wean themselves all at once?
Charlotte Ella 07.16.10
Emmeline Grace 03.27.13