
Terbutaline and gross motor delays?

If you took terb for a prolonged period of time while pregnant, do you think that your baby is delayed in terms of gross motor milestones (beyond what they should be for adjusted age)?

I try not to stress about Caro's delays, but as she approaches her first birthday I feel more and more anxious about them, and wonder what the cause is.  :(

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Re: Terbutaline and gross motor delays?

  • I was just curious as to what you considered a "prolonged" amount of time? Like you had an Rx for it? I was on Procardia for a long time but was given injections of terb more times then I can count. None of the doctors mentioned anything about gross motor delays! TIA!
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  • imagedanlexi04:
    I was just curious as to what you considered a "prolonged" amount of time? Like you had an Rx for it? I was on Procardia for a long time but was given injections of terb more times then I can count. None of the doctors mentioned anything about gross motor delays! TIA!

    I took it orally, as needed, from 28w when contractions started until 35w when they told me to discontinue it.  (I went into labor 5 days later.)  I had an Rx for it.

    I have seen things around the internet about it possibly causing gross motor delays but nothing conclusive, so I was just wondering if anyone here had any personal experience.

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  • i only got one shot of terb and R is still delayed at 3 years old. i try and not focus on the why but more how can we help ya know? they whys will drive you crazy!

    Rowen Alexander born 10 weeks early 1/28/07
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