
** Jamaica **

I hate to bring up a sore subject, but have you heard anything about your cousin? I've been thinking and praying for her. I saw coverage about it on CNN (the same that you had posted).

Re: ** Jamaica **

  • i was wondering too.  I saw the families on the today show this morning.
  • Thanks for asking girls! Last I heard is that there is 3 women (alive) in the rubble of the hotel and they sent a mic down- one of them speaks french so they do not think it is her/ her friends.

    I just have NO idea how her parents are still functioning. My heart is so broken over all of this. Please keep her and all of the suffering in you T&P.



    Mum to Owen and Lucas Daisypath Wedding tickers>
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  • I've been following her story too.  I'm in MA.  They are all in my prayers.  I hope they find them soon.
  • Thanks O!! I feel so helpless- I physically want to go down and dig.

    Mum to Owen and Lucas Daisypath Wedding tickers>
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