the jewlery, tights, boots, and nail polish are all ecellent ideas! You can do some really light and natural makeup too, nothing too dark. What about switching out the sash/tie for something in a brighter color, perhaps something that matches the shoes? and a necklace to mactch.
I bought a bright blue strapless dress from and I will wear a cream shrug over it. Can't find the picture online anymore otherwise I would have sent it....but it's cute.
Re: What are you wearing to your cold-weather February shower?
DD1 born 5/24/10.
Missed M/C at 14 wks Feb 2012.
DD2 born 5/14/13.
Missed M/C at 9 wks July 2015.
I'm wearing a sheer black tunic and black pants. Of course I'll have a cami under the tunic- no need to flash people. So it's all black for me.
the jewlery, tights, boots, and nail polish are all ecellent ideas! You can do some really light and natural makeup too, nothing too dark. What about switching out the sash/tie for something in a brighter color, perhaps something that matches the shoes? and a necklace to mactch.
Love the dress.
Where did you get that dress? I love it!!
I bought a bright blue strapless dress from and I will wear a cream shrug over it. Can't find the picture online anymore otherwise I would have sent it....but it's cute.
This dress, Hoping to find some cute grey flats today when I go out.
The black dress I would dress up with brighter jewlery, or tights.