This stroller is going to cost me close to $1000 to get in Canada. I need to know if it's worth it before I buy.
Has anyone used this stoller?
Read any reviews?
I just can't find another double that does everything this one does! I love that it switches back to a single when you're done with the double, which means it will last so much longer for us. I considered the P&T but DS is already 28 lbs so the jump seat in the back won't last too long for us.
Re: XP:Baby Jogger City Select reviews?
I don't have it, but I played with it at the store today. While I thought it was really cool, the thing I disliked about it was that when you have both seats on there is not a lot of leg room for the kid in the back if you have them both facing the same way, so the smaller kid pretty much has to go in back. It folds up to about the same size of most of the other strollers. It doesn't push as nice if only one of the seats is one. To me it seemed kind of pricey, since you have to add the 2nd seat and any other accessory you wanted.
Here are some reviews I've found: is a full review with a video review of the Baby Jogger City Select.
It's really a great stroller but, yes, it is pricey. But if you think about the fact that the stroller can be your single then your double and then back to a single - it may be worth it. The stroller has a ton of versatility with the seating but know that if you want to use it in the double mode - you MUST buy the second seat kit! Even if you want to use an infant car seat or the bassinet as the second "seat" - you still need to buy the second seat in order to get the second set of adapters. So, the price can add up quick. But again - it is a FABULOUS stroller that is well made, versatile and looks great!