The last two days have been a whirlwind for us with so many nerves, and fears, and most of all joy!
We had our match meeting yesterday wtih our potential birthmother and we were soooooo nervous. I couldn't sleep the night before, and I was gagging all day (It's what I do when I get nervous, i'm weird!) We walked into the meeting and the birthmother, her sister, and her brother-in-law were already there.
The facilitator was there, and she asked us questions so the birthmother could get to know us more, and she asked her questions for us to get to know here more. There were sooooo many coincidences between us that it just seems this was meant to be! We talked for over 2-hours and the facilitator made a comment that it's so rare for us to just get along and chat that we didn't even need the facilitator because we were just asking each other questions without having to be prompted!
I can't believe I was so nervous going into it because now that I look back on yesterday, it just seems so natural. We told her that we consider them extended family and that the child will always know who she is, and where he came from. The birthmother knew the sex of the baby last week but she wanted to wait to tell us in person.
She asked us if we cared what it was, and we told her it didn't matter in the slightest, and showed her pictures of our nursery that is green and very gender neutral. She then told us it's a boy, and my husband teared up. She then asked us what we wanted to name the baby, and we told her that we really loved the name Alexander Dean. When I said the name, her face lit up, and her and her sister looked at eachother, and both said at the same time that Alexander was the name she would have named him if she had been able to keep him! Just meant to be!
She wants us to be involved and go to doctor's appointments, go to birthing classes, and be there for the birth. She seems very mature and responsible for her age, and has a strong support system which is good. Her sister was a single mom at her age, and wishes she had made different choices, so she understands that it's in the best interest of the child to move forward.
The only thing that worries me is that she said the ONLY reason she would keep the baby, is if during birth, she lost her uterus, or was told she would be unable to have a child in the future. I completely understand where she's coming from, since I CAN'T have children, and I would NEVER wish that on somebody else, but of course I want the baby too!
So I have been on the phone all day telling friends and family once I got the call this morning that she wants to move forward and the facilitator says we're officially matched.
It's an amazing feeling, and it's worth the wait! Good luck to everyone, it really does happen!
Re: We are matched!!!!! (Long)
I hope the next couple of months move quickly and smoothly for you all!