I am taking Dave away to Atlantic City for his birthday. That part won't be a surprise, I will tell him on his Tuesday birthday that we are going on Friday, but I also want to invite some friends to join us for dinner at the Bobby Flay Steakhouse, and at the casino afterwards if they want. I really think he'd enjoy himself so much more if his friends were there with us, but I simply can't afford to be paying for everyone!
Is there a way to invite people to COME with us, but in such a way that they know it's not a "party" per se, in that it would not be paid for??
Thoughts?? Thanks!
ETA: I'm sorry I wasn't clear: I'm not sending out an invitation, I was just planning to send an email to invite people.
Re: How to word this invitation?
Something like, "We'll be heading to Atlantic City to celebrate Dave's birthday on Jan 20th. We plan to have dinner at the Bobby Flay Steakhouse e($20-30/plate) then head to the casino ($20 to park; refundable if you get a play/game card)." We'd love for you to join us at one or both places if you are able as it would make the celebration that much more special for Dave. (The activities are a surprise, so please don't mention it to Dave, just let me know if you area able to join us.)
or....the same basic message, but at the end say, "if you are able to join us, I'll get you links to menus/pricing and casino parking/cover charges."