I'd rather someone read the PABSTs and thought "hm. Wonder if that's me? Maybe I should ____________ more/less" than have a crapload of people agree with me and state so. It would feel like a big gang-up.
I don't want to entirely alienate someone from the board. Because all PABSTing and drama aside, this board really is a great resource.
Re: Here's why I'm not naming names:
except that what happens is the people who it's not about become paranoid and afraid to post and the people who it is about don't bat an eye b/c they don't recognize those things about themselves. If that makes sense.
That said-I definitely agree with a few of yours though I don't know if we're even thinking of the same people. Some apply to more than one I think.
I'm just wondering if I should get a (real) life or if you really do think I prefer PBR beer!