
Is it just me? (c-section worry...) *a bit long*

Preface: I don't know for sure that I am having a c-section but I'm trying to be prepared for whatever happens, and it's looking more and more like I'll need a c-section because baby B likes to keep his head in my ribcage and he's bigger than baby A. 

I almost started crying the other night in childbirth class when the teacher answered my question about the process of a c-section at our hospital. I was okay until she said that after they are born they'll check out the babies and if all is well hand them to DH and then I'd be able to kiss them. However, she then said that I wouldn't be able to touch them (with my hands) because of something about the sterile environment. Then they'd be taken out to be cleaned up while I got stitched up and moved to the Postpartum room. At that point they would be brought in for me to hold. I was doing 'okay' with that, so I asked how long it would be between when they were born and when I'd get to hold them. Their answer was about an hour. For some reason that REALLY upset me. I can't imagine having to wait to hold my little babies and love on them and look at their little faces and learn their personalities and all that... The teacher said I honestly won't even notice that time pass. I just am having a hard time believing that, even though I really want to!

For those of you who have had c-sections, honestly did you notice that time pass? Am I making this out to be something bigger than it is just because I'm emotional? :) TIA. 

Re: Is it just me? (c-section worry...) *a bit long*

  • :(

    i didn't get to touch my babies for a whole day (not even kiss them) so i definitely understand why you're sad. 

    i don't know, all hospitals are different, but my arms were tied to boards during my c/s so i wouldn't have been able to hold them anyway. and i guess while they're sewing you up, they wouldn't want you to hold them? i will say, the time did go by fast for me. i was very out of it, even though my c/s was scheduled and not an emergency or anything. i really didn't notice the time pass.

    i think the anticipation and knowing that it's an hour is worse. i didn't know, so it was okay, you know?

    in any case, i hope you don't have to end up with a c/s.

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  • All hospitals and OB's are different.

    With my singleton son, he was with me in the OR the entire time of the C/S.  DH left to tell everyone here was here, but DS stayed in a little plastic bassinet next to me and I got to look at him while I was getting stitched up.  THe nurse even held him up to me briefly so I could touch him.

    Once I was done, and they moved me to a rolling bed, they put DS in my arms and wheeled me to my room.  He never left my side.

    Of course, I was 39 weeks at this point, he was full term and got a 9/10 then 10/10 on his apgars. The process may be completely different for babies who are born pre-term.

    This time around, my OB said the procedure with my twins would be pretty much the same as long as they were over 36 weeks and not having any issues at birth.

    I'd call the hospital and ask your OB as well.  GL!

     And yes, the time went by so fast!

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  • i delivered at night and didnt get to see them until the next morning. my DH and mom got to, he took lots of pictures and video and brought them back to me, i cried while i watched them. but i knew it was important that they were receiving the medical attention they needed. i did notice the time pass, i slept mostly, but woke frequently. as soon as it was morning, i had to ask the nurse if i could go see my babies! she seemed surprised i hadnt yet. but in the skeam of things the night went by very quickly! i couldnt believe i had two babies! plus i tried to remember that it was my last night of full sleep! dont worry, it all goes by soooooo fast its like you blinked.
  • Thank you guys for your honest perspectives. I think I'm just going to have to cling to the fact that once I do get to hold them it'll all seem so short and I won't care at that point. I've waited this long to see them, I suppose I can wait just an hour longer right? Thanks again!
  • ANd hopefully you can take that hour to get a little nap in!  At least you will know they are in good hands!
  • I don't know if I'm just lucky, but I got to kiss them and sit right next to them (while DH held them) while I was getting put back together.  Then they wheeled them right behind us to the recovery room where I was able to hold them and nurse them right away.. I think I was nursing them within 45 minutes of their birth.. they were never in a different room from me at any time.  They also were lucky and didn't need any NICU time or oxygen, etc....
  • When I had my c/s, the boys were born, cleaned up a little, then given to DH while they put me back together.  Once I was done, they gave the babies to me in my bed and wheeled us to the recovery area.  I had the boys in my arms the entire time!  They didn't take them to be cleaned up really well until after we had time to try BFing and our parents got to come in and see them (still in the recovery area).  DH went with the babies to be cleaned up and I was taken to my permanent room.  That was the only time I wasn't with them the entire 3 days we were in the hospital.
  • I would really love it if they could be kept with me in the room, I can hope for that :) At least then I'd be able to see them! It's encouraging to hear that there are some stories out there of that happening. We're hoping for no NICU time also (who doesn't?) and so far everything has gone smoothly so I'm hoping I can make it to that point! I have another u/s and appt today and the NSTs start next week. I hope they also say everything is looking good for keeping them cooking.
  • I don't think it was an hour, probably about 30 minuets, but I didn't really notice the time.  After they were weighed, cleaned, and assessed, they were given to DH and he was holding them while sitting next to me.  Don't worry, the time will fly and they'll be in your arms in no time.
  • imagepea-kay:

    i don't know, all hospitals are different, but my arms were tied to boards during my c/s so i wouldn't have been able to hold them anyway. and i guess while they're sewing you up, they wouldn't want you to hold them? i will say, the time did go by fast for me. i was very out of it, even though my c/s was scheduled and not an emergency or anything. i really didn't notice the time pass.

    i think the anticipation and knowing that it's an hour is worse. i didn't know, so it was okay, you know?

    This is exactly how it was for me.  And I don't mean to sound funny but I think being a little whacked out from the meds helped me.


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  • It was a couple of hours for me before I could hold Emerson but, the time did pass quickly.  My H was able to stay with her the whole time she was away from  me. 
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  • I couldn't touch the girls either. My arms weren't tied down but they didn't want me moving them (not even to scratch my nose). I did get to see them and kiss them though, and cry uncontrollably :) The girls were with me almost the entire time. They rolled them to get cleaned up with DH in tow just minutes before I was to be rolled out to go to recovery. We recover in our actual room and it seemed like no time before the girls were in there with me. The time does go by fast. Plus, honestly, with the drugs and the shakes, it was probably best that I didn't hold them until that wore off.
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