I had severe Pre-e and HELLP with my 4th child. Gave birth at 24 weeks to a 1 lb 1 oz baby girl.
She spent 116 days in the NICU (came home in July). She is still on oxygen and is behind on gross motor skills..she also has high blood pressure. Other than that she is pretty healthy.
So I wanted to intro myself. It's awesome being around other preemie mothers and preemie parenting is waaaay different ball game.
I'm hoping to start up a mom's group for parents with preemies. I think it would be great to connect with other mothers who know what I have been thru and what I continue to go thru.
Re: New here, mom to 24 weeker
Hello and welcome! Where are you located? There is a preemie mom's group in Tampa, Fl that they set up through meetup.com. Good luck!
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Hello, and welcome!
I too, am new to this board. I also had sudden severe pre-e and HELLP with my 1st PG, and I delivered at 36 wks. I agree with you - being the parent of a preemie is so much more challenging, but I think we are a special group of mommies!
My DD is almost 22 months old actual age, and although she continues to struggle with weight, growth, and eating issues, she is the happiest little girl!
Good luck to you and your daughter.
welcome to the board. My son was a 26 weeker (1lb 7oz), also quite small.
Let us know if you have any questions.. I must say we're a pretty awesome group.
My Blog
awesome, love this place already!
I live near cincinnati, Ohio
Welcome! I had DS at 24w in 2008 and ironically he also was discharged after 116 days in the NICU and came home in July! That is crazy!
This board is a great source of support and information. Like you said, parenting a preemie is a whole different ball game and it is nice to have other women in our situation who "get it" and to bounce things off of.
Jacob 3.23.08 * Grace 7.22.09 * Eli 7.26.11 * Annabelle 1.18.14