
Toddler Mom's

What size clothes is your DC(ren) wearing?

Sophies now in 18-24m for tops, and STILL in 12m for pants.  Even then I still have to roll them up :(  This is just me still dwelling on the nicu follow-up and how short she is.

She will be 18m next Friday, and 15m adjusted.

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Re: Toddler Mom's

  • I asked you yesterday, but how tall/long is she?

    Marino is 18 months actual, 16 adjusted and in 18-24 month size clothes but for pants I either put him in 12 month size or I roll up 18 month size. He definately can't wear 18 month from the Gap, Old Navy or Gymboree (which all run long, IMO) yet. He's short for a boy (somewhere b/t 31.25 and 31.75 inches). I was really small as a toddler, though, so not sure if its genetics or still a preemie thing. My DH is tall (6'2) so everyone is always shocked Marino isn't tall like him (I'm only 5'3).

  • oh right, sorry!  I did see that you asked me but then I never got back online!  She's only 28 1/2"  :(
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  • Keira is 20 1/2 months old.  She is 31" and 19 lbs 11oz.  (We just had a doctor appointment so I know these things!).  She's pretty much still in 12 month clothing although there have been a few 18 month outfits I've pulled out and she's been able to wear.  She is tiny, no doubt, but I'm on the small side too (5 ft 2 in).  She's got prematurity AND my genes going against her!

    Claire is 3 years 2 months old and she is 38" (I think) and about 29 lbs.  She's 50th percentile for both height and weight. 

    Claire Avery born at 32 weeks on 10/25/06 Keira Leigh born at 27 weeks on 4/29/08
  • thanks girls!  I'm barely 5'1", and DH is 5'7".  Of course, the dr.'s take into consideration our family genes, but its the slow growth that concerns them.

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  • depends on brand a lot.

    Robbie's 19 months/16 adjusted.

    Tops, he's in 12-18 in most brands, even 18-24 in a few things (miniwear, old navy, gymboree)

    Pants, 12 months in almost everything. Miniwear is shorter, so I could move him to 18 months in those, but since he's just learning to walk, it's hard because nothing stays rolled, they drag and he trips easily.

    He really does need closer to 18 months in the waste, though. Fortunately most stuff is stretchy enough to accomodate his little buddha. But jeans? No way. He'd actually probably need a 24 months to fit in the waste, and then they're a mile too long. So he doesn't wear jeans much.

  • Evan is my peanut and at 21mos actual age he is 30.25" tall and weighs about 23lbs 7oz.  He's very short for his age, only just barely in the 5th percentile for weight to height.  He's still wearing 18mos clothes comfortably if not a little snugly.  If I put him in 24mos he's more comfortable but I have to roll up sleeves and pants at least twice or it's much too long for him.

    Cameron is 33" and weighs 26lbs and is in the 90th percentile for his weight to height.  He's wearing 24mos to 2T clothes comfortably and even some smaller 3T shirts.  But I still have to roll up the pants.

  • He is 19 months actual, 16 adjusted still in size 12 month clothing. 
  • I'm not sure if Andrew is considered a toddler yet :) he doesn't walk but he's one :):) I want to play though!

    Andrew is wearing 6-12 month clothes from like Old Navy - or 12 month Carters pants and shirts. He's pretty tall!

  • DD is 26 months old and is between sizes.  The 18 month stuff is now too small for her (just recently), some of the 24 month stuff fits*, and she swims in the rest of the 24 month stuff (shirts in particular can swallow her whole).

    * = fits after my Mom hems everything ... I don't know how many inches, but I think it is between 2 - 4 depending on the brand.

  • My DD was not a preemie, but I thought I'd throw out her stats to help ease your mind. We had her 15 month appt earlier in the week and she is 19lbs and 29 in. which is 25th% for both. She is also wearin mostly 12M clothing but still fits into a lot of her 9M stuff.

    So your LO sounds about on track.

  • Brandon is wearing 12-18 month and 18 month in tops and is in 12 month and 12-18 month in pants. He was 20 pounds, 8 ounces last week and 31 inches long. His biggest problem is he is so skinny so he has a hard time keeping pants up on the waist. He is 18 months actual, 15 months adjusted.
    Conceived twins with IVF January 2008. Lost baby a at 20 1/2 weeks due to premature rupture of membranes and held onto baby b. Baby b (Brandon) born at 26 weeks and 1 day on July 5, 2008. Wesley born full term on June 29, 2011. My blog Lilypie Premature Baby tickers Lilypie Pregnancy tickers image
  • My DD is 3 1/2 and is in mostly 3T pants and 3T/4T tops. It really depends on the brand.  She is still able to wear some 24 month/2T pants in some brands.
    Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
  • LOL! Emma is 22m old and wears 12m tops and her pants are a mess. She needs 9m size for the waist and 18m size for the length :(

    Oh, and she's 20ish lbs and 31ish inches (we haven't been to the doc in a while)... tall and skinny :)

    Emma - March '08 Quinn - August '11
    Need help with high fat food ideas? Chunky Monkey
  • Robinson is 33 inches and almost 26 pounds.  He's 18 months actual and 15 months adjusted.  He's in 2T/24 month clothes.
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