My twins get their solids at the same time but then i saw you feed them 2 hrs later....ive been giving them their last bottle at 8:30...(3 hrs later) do you find that the 2 hr interval is better in getting them to bed more easily?
Yes. If we go any later than that (which has happened a few times) they get too tired and don't finish it before they fall asleep. Then they are up an hour later wanting the rest of it. The bottle before the last bottle is at they really go 4 hours between bottles.
the babysitter during the day has been letting them go 4 hrs in between feedings during the day but I told her to make sure they dont go past 3 1/2 hrs because Im trying to get in an extra feeding before they go to bed....maybe im giving them their last bottle too late and they are overtired? one twin sleeps in the crib but wakes up almost every hour and the other one screams every time we put her in the crib...she only last 30 minutes when we put her down asleep then she wakes up and screams until we pick her losing my mind!
They could be overtired. Are they getting in good naps during the day? Mine wake up during the night more if they don't have good naps because they get overtired.
Or, they could be teething. Both of mine had their two bottom teeth come in right at the holidays within a week of each other and they were waking up every 45-60 minutes.
Or, it could just be time to find a sleep training method that works for you and them!
Re: Trixie6717
the babysitter during the day has been letting them go 4 hrs in between feedings during the day but I told her to make sure they dont go past 3 1/2 hrs because Im trying to get in an extra feeding before they go to bed....maybe im giving them their last bottle too late and they are overtired? one twin sleeps in the crib but wakes up almost every hour and the other one screams every time we put her in the crib...she only last 30 minutes when we put her down asleep then she wakes up and screams until we pick her losing my mind!
They could be overtired. Are they getting in good naps during the day? Mine wake up during the night more if they don't have good naps because they get overtired.
Or, they could be teething. Both of mine had their two bottom teeth come in right at the holidays within a week of each other and they were waking up every 45-60 minutes.
Or, it could just be time to find a sleep training method that works for you and them!
Good luck and I hope you get some rest soon!!
they nap twice a day once at 9am and then again around 1...they are at least napping but only in their swings...they hate their cribs ;-(
...we have our 6 month visit in a few wks so im going to hope our pediatrician has some advice for us!