
Argh re: ICPC

There are 2 ICPC workers in my state -- and our case just got assigned to the "picky" one.  Our social worker is going over our homestudy and updating it from Payton with a fine-tooth comb -- and at NO cost to us (thank goodness!!).  She's also meeting us tomorrow to re-do our fingerprints (we will be just DAYS outside of the 12 month period they're good for) and is personally driving them 3 hours to the state DHR office to her contact and waiting for them to be hand-walked through clearance (so she'll be there several days) just b/c she knows this worker won't accept them otherwise.  And I've been calling the state daily to see if they've received Payton's finalization paperwork yet, because she thinks that she'll be super picky about seeing not only that Payton is finalized, but that we have a birth certificate for her.  They received it yesterday morning and the lady went and pulled it out of the stack herself and manually processed it and overnight the birth certificate to us today (at a cost of $63 to us).

She just finished an interstate adoption, where the couple was stuck in Illinois for NINETY DAYS!  90!!!!  And for no reason apparent to anyone.  The IL ICPC worker had approved it.  But the agency in IL kept submitting paperwork in the "wrong" order -- literally one piece of paper was out of order -- and she kept sending it back but not telling them what was wrong.  How crazy is that??  The information was all there!

Between this "picky" worker and navigating the tribal stuff in the other state, this could get very interesting!

Re: Argh re: ICPC

  • Wow..........good luck!!
  • Your CW sounds like a super star...that is so awesome!  Wish everyone could be so helpful:)  Good luck!!
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  • i need tribal info type stuff from you! the girls case just got interesting!
  • yuck we had a small problem BM lived in one state close to the boarder of  another state and gave birth in the other state b/c the hospital was better. the guy doing our ICPC didn't understand why the papers were notarized in the state BM is from.  this of course happened on a friday b/c of this we had to stay in the state for another 4 days since nothing could be done until monday.
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