So I am having 3 showers..(Lucky me!) One my mom's side of the family is throwing, one my friends are throwing, and one that my MIL is throwing. Do I need to invite my MIL to the one my mom's family is throwing? I am not including my mom in the one MIL is doing. DH suggested she might want to come. She irritates me, I should add. She is throwing a shower, which is very nice, but I really don't know the people she is inviting and I feel a bit awkward about it. ( I am making DH come to that one with me.) Is it ok to not invite her to the one my relatives are doing? WWYD?
Honestly, I don't think you have to. the shower and baby are about YOU. Not the "grandma's". If she weren't throwing a shower herself, sure, definitely invite her. But in this situation, I don't think you "have" to.
~Benjamin Franklin
DS dx with celiac disease 5/28/10
I figure that we're all adults and we should act accordingly. Unfortunately for some of us (me included), our MILs don't always act appropriately. Mine couldn't be bothered to come to my bridal shower. She didn't buy us a wedding gift and never offered to help (even though our wedding was a complete DIY shindig). Furthermore, I haven't even heard a single congratulations from her since we annouced the baby.
I try to remind myself though that this baby isn't just about me. This is just as much my husband's baby as mine. He's embarrassed by his mom but it is his mom. I would never hurt my husband's feelings by not including his mother. She's innapropriate, rude, and overall trashy but I can get over all of it if I know that it is important to my husband. Sometimes we just have to suck it up and be the better person.
My suggestion would be to invite your mother in law. Yes, she will probably come and embarass herself but you have to remember that she will be embarassing herself, not you. When my mother in law acts like an idiot no one thinks anything about it- they know she's lame and they love my husband and me just the same. Then again, if my husband didn't care if I invited her, maybe I would not be such a big person.
Good luck!!!