
Starting to feel stretched really thin...

I'm about to file for sole custody with limited visitation.  The douchebag let someone give him and the kids a ride somewhere without carseats and I'm scared sh!tless that this isn't the end of bad parenting decisions on his part.

I'm also working more hours at work, trying to fit in some gym time, and trying to still keep my stuff together for the kids.  

How do you do it if you're the sole parent most of the time.  I don't have family nearby so I'm at a loss.

Re: Starting to feel stretched really thin...

  • I'm sorry, this must be so hard. I just wanted to give you lots of ::::HUGS:::::

    This is SO corny, so I apologize in advance, but:

    'Do your best and forget the rest!' 

    Melanie ~Ava Grace 7.20.06 & Lila Jane 7.22.09~ m/c #3 6/18/08 image
  • Is there anyway the budget could stretch to get a regular sitter?  When DH travelled a lot that's what I did and it was a life saver. 

    And sometimes you have to prioritize.  Like maybe let housework slide a little and pick up some paper plates for the really busy nights. 

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  • I'm going to re-configure the budget.  A close friend has asked me and the kids to move in with her so I'll have more money to spend on things like sitters...and she even said she'd help out with the that's what I'm shooting for.
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