
Anyone have PROM?

I had PROM with DD and she was born at 35 weeks.  No complications in pregnancy and it was completely unexpected.  I'm worried about it happening with this pregnancy.  DD was in the NICU and I would like to avoid this again.  Do you know what the likelihood of PROM happening again would be?  I know preterm labor is more common but I never had contractions.

Also, if you had PROM have you discussed with your OB what will be done in subsequent pregnancies or if anything can be done to monitor this?


Children Photography Photo Credit: Heather Barta Photography

Re: Anyone have PROM?

  • I prom-ed at 34 weeks- no idea why and never heard a thing about what it could have been or even if they did any tests. I never had contractions either, and needed pitocin to deliver. (I am getting a new OB and MFM next time around.) At my 6w pp follow up they just said they would monitor my cervix and I'd have extra u/s.

    My answer is I will go to a different OB/MFM through a hospital with a better NICU, and I'm investigating 17p shots which I will speak about with MFMs that I will interview before starting again. (I don't plan on trying until at least this summer and even then it will be more of a not avoiding thing). I had a ton of issues that went ignored by my doctors, I had high blood pressure spikes (many were above 150/95 the highest was 170/107) severe headaches that my neurologist was very concerned about and wanted to put me on bedrest but my OB didn't agree, pitting edema, etc.

    But then again it all could have been a coincidence, but I myself will feel better with a different set of doctors than who I had this time. Best of luck for a healthy and happy 40 week pregnancy this time!

  • I also had PROM at 35 weeks.  I'm not sure if I had PTL prior as my contractions were very mild (even though they were showing up on the monitor) until I was put on Pitocin. . .so I could have easily missed the signs.

    I am now almost 35 weeks with my second.  Although they have been monitoring me closely (had an extra u/s at 24 weeks and 34 weeks to check cervix and fluid levels), I am still considered low-risk by my current practice.  I had one OB tell me I had a 50-70% chance of delivering early, but she said some other stuff that I found to be inaccurate based on research.  I've since had four other doctors (at my current practice) tell me the likelihood of delivering early is less than 10% since I had no other risk factors prior to the PROM.  The general consensus is that I had a "defect" in my uterine lining (had partial placenta previa early in the pregnancy and issues with the placenta attaching to the uterine lining), which caused the rupture. 

    I would definitely talk to your OB, though, as I think they will all handle it differently. . .and there may be other factors they think are relevant that weren't applicable to me.

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  • With DS I prom-ed at 32 weeks.  I had no signs of PTL prior to that.  My OB pretty much wrote it off as a one time thing and told me not to worry this time around.  DD ended up having a two vessel cord so this time around I was monitored more closely simply because of that.  It appeared that my cervix was short around 28 weeks but at 31 it seemed to be back over 3 cm.  I made it to 35 weeks this time before I went into labor.  I did not PROM and they actually had to manually rupture my membranes.  DD ended up being fine despite her early arrival and was able to come home right away. 
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