Health & Exercise

Restore the Core Experiences?

I am really having a difficult time a year after my DS was born. I am a  healthy weight (135, 5'5). I would like to get back to about 115 which was where I was pre pg. Even at my thinnest  (102) and most in shape, I never had a flat belly..I belieive I have diastasis recti b/c my stomache is just so distended. My son was 8.5 lbs and I was ALL belly and swelling. Will this video help? I have been doing the 30 day shred since around Christmas and it has made NO difference in my body. I have been eating better but not seriously calorie counting yet b/c I am still bfring and that's not fair to my DS.

Re: Restore the Core Experiences?

  • Did you do the shred every day? I am on Day 9 and really hoping to see a difference by Day 30. I ordered Restore the Core but haven't done it yet. I have heard good things about it though.
  • Admittedly I'm biased because one of my good friends invented RTC (she used to be StrollerFit's chief fitness director so that's her on the video), but I LOVE it. I've also taken her class at her original gym. I'm also certified to teach it. Anyway, it does a lot more focusing on the inner thighs and the lower belly than your average ab workout. 

    Also, the whole concept of stabilize/mobilize/energize is pretty innovative. It also enables you to modify it yourself; if it gets too hard, you can just do the first two segments, or you can modify it by doing the prenatal or post-c-section modifications. Trust me even if you have awesome abs you will be sore at the end!

    I had my flat tummy back by 12 weeks last time (this time I've not had the time/energy to do RTC as much so it will take longer). 

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  • Also, if your DS is a year, I wouldn't worry too much about "cheating" him by counting calories. At this point he should be mostly eating people food not breastmilk anyway. Also, Weight Watchers has a plan specifically for BFing moms.
  • Hello to All Post Partum Mommies

    I have good news for you.  I am not a weight loss expert; however, I do have a couple of suggestions for you to seriously take into consideration.

    (1)  My company, Ardyss International, produces pre-natal and post partum medically designed garments to aid in reducing the weight of the baby on your back and spine before delivery, as well as a compression garment that aids in bringing the internal organs back into their right position and gives strength to the spine and reduces the excess pounds gained.

     (2)  Ardyss also has natural, organic supplements that gives back the energy to new Moms, aids in overall general health.  We even have a weight loss kit.  These do not interfere with lacation.  Take a look at the website at: Then google Ardyss for further research.

    Just some suggestions.  Hopes these help.








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