
getting air out of drop ins?

may be a dumb question but how do you do it. i just push the milk all the way up to the nipple if full with milk. is this right? don't want to put holes in it.

Re: getting air out of drop ins?

  • I never get the air out when I used them..I didn't know you were supposed to!

    Once I realized you were supposed to, I did one day but they had a VERY hard time getting the milk to come I let the air back in.

    They didn't get gassy though...

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  • Yep, just push from the bottom until the milk gets to the top of the nipple. 
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    Mom to Megan(5), Bridget(4), Tessa and Annie (2) and Mary (brand new)

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  • It actually says on the drop ins that you are not supposed to get the air out...
  • You're supposed to use them as-is.  They're designed to work by just dropping them in the bottle, filling them up, and feeding.  We've used them for months and my LOs hardly ever spit up or get gassy.
  • My MIL said to do this and when I did, it made it harder for them to suck and they didn't drink what they usually do. 

    When I use them as is, they work great. 

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