you are all laughing this up, but i dont find it funny at all. i not only work for a living, i defend this country. my DD is a very healthy and happy child and she loves going to daycare. she learns things there that i could never teach her. to sit at home and 'shop' all day, just sounds kind of selfish to me. sitting around watching t.v. and spending money that someone else is working for just sounds crazy to me.
The bolded part, that is. The rest of it is just sheer stupidity since it was very obviously sarcasm in the OP.
And you're right, It's totally horrible and crazy I spend money that MH works for. Yes, horrible. Because I do nothing to contribute to this family. At all. Seriously?!?
I mean, realistically, I should at least get as much as we would pay in childcare b/c I am providing that service so he can work. Because w/out me, he couldn't work and make money anyway.
You're a douche, cearleyjay. And a dumb one at that.
Re: I take issue with this:
That is just such an odd way to look at it.
It's HOUSEHOLD income.
Agreed - we both contribute to the household [albeit in different ways], we both spend from the household. If we were both working, it'd be the same. We each have a budget we can spend each month, including Jackson.
ETA: I'm guessing cearleyjay never let her parents pay for anything either - I mean, clearly it's CA-RAZY to accept money from your parents for anything since you didn't work for it. I should stop buying Jackson toys. He's not working.
Amen. So b/c I SAH,I 'm not supposed to spend the money that MH makes? Like you, I contribute greatly to this family, even if I'm not earning the physical dollar.
What I never understand in these arguments is that the same people who argue that 'the family income is OUR money' are often the same ones who criticize SAHMs for sitting on our asses and spending our husband's money.
So if I had a job and DH were home, it would be OURS, but since I am the one at home, it's his? Screw that. I do everything except the actual leaving the house to work each day and mowing the lawn.
I may not have articulated this that well (cuz, yew know, I'm a brainless soap watching lump), but you can get the gist.
DS - December 2006
DD - December 2008
Regardless, my issue is, as stated, with the bolded part. No sarcasm, I spend money MH makes.
I keep my husband's children ALIVE. I think that qualifies me to spend his money.
Caveat: I work part-time and the kids go to preschool and daycare, so I do contribute monetarily
YES. You need to make sure you only spend money you worked for, LOL.
Otherwise, it's just crazy!
Eh, it's not even worth arguing. Clearly, it's backwards. I know what my work is. My H knows what I'm worth. My children know what I'm worth. Don't really care what anyone else thinks.
I will hope that Captain America sticks around and gives us more wisdom. I haven't been living right, I'm sure. I need lots of guidance.
Of course, and I happily mock her opinion because it's ridiculous and laughable.
you're ignoring the fact that she NOT ONLY WORKS- she DEFENDS our country...
she doesn't just NOT spend someone else's hard earned money- she is a heeeeeero!
I think the bolded part is more funny than anything. I work from home part-time and make a fraction of what DH makes. So if I chose to support myself off of only my income because using his money would be CRAZY then I would be living a totally different lifestyle than my husband and children. I can just see it now
DH: "Honey let's take the kids out to dinner and a movie"
Me: "Hmmmm that sounds fun but it's not really in my budget..our PG&E was so high this month and since I pay half I really can't afford to go out so it looks like you and the kids are on your own."
DH: "Okay don't forget to pay your half of the mortgage too because I aint supportin' your fatass lady."
Me: "Okay dear have fun at the movies!!"
ITA with you E.
I agree, grace - it is funny. It's really hilarious, b/c how would it work in practice? It's just so illogical.
And well, BOF, you need to call her Captain America - she's a hero!
Shouldn't you be responsible for half of the children's costs, too? So really, only one can go.
True. Why wouldn't I have to pay half of the cost of the kids night out with their dad. This sounds like a fantastic way to run a family!! That way the one who earns less is reminded nearly every hour of everyday. Lovely!
i did miss the sarcasm. my point was simply that some women take way to much advantage of a situation like this. i never said that a stay at home mom did not have an important job. i would love to stay at home and be with my child. you guys were just making it seem like:
'ha ha that dumb ass is out working while i just get to sit at home and eat ice cream and buy stuff off the internet....ha ha ha'
again sorry i missed the point, my f*%#ing bad!
-Captain America
I think you missed the point again, Captain America.
I understand you missed the sarcasm, which IMO, was pretty blatant, but whatever. I don't really care. It was kind of funny.
But what is funnier is that you said that you can't imagine spending someone else's money that you didn't work for and that it is crazy.
My response to that is in the OP - don't I at the very least deserve to be paid for the service I provide? Without it, MH couldn't work. I just think that statement was completely illogical and offensive - and that is the point of this post in case you miss it again.
Personally, I'm not offended, b/c I don't get offended, but I do enjoy stirring up the nest and I do enjoy making fun of statements I find stupid.
Captain America- You will not win this argument. Especially with ^ this ^ fatass, bon bon eating shopping addict.
That's right, you won't! I NEVER SAY DIE. I will keep this going for days!
It's a good thing today is a slow day on my bar study exam schedule and my kid is napping right now. I could go on forevah!
You need to OWN your situation, though. So, big deal if it's not in the cards for you to be a SAHM. It wasn't in the cards for me for a long time either (for some reason, 4 in daycare is just a horrendous amount of money....humpf! ) Quite frankly, I'd like to work at least part time. But, for me to go around and criticize working moms is not going to change my situation, nor will it make me a better mom. So don't worry about what all of the SAHM moms do all day....worry about doing your job and taking care of your child(ren).
yes, you do deserve to get paid. i again never said that you job wasnt important. and why couldnt your MH work? in my situation i have been a working single parent, paying daycare, clothing, and feeding her. i left my H, and he went almost two years without a job. he did not provide any help with my DD at all. he would take her for a weekend and i would have to send her with food, so he could feed her. i understand what you are saying, i just wish you could understand what i was saying.
The point is he would have to pay someone, if I didn't do it, so don't I deserve to spend household [or HIS, in your terms] income since I am contributing just as he is, but NOT monetarily.
That's why I spend "his" money. It's OUR money. At the most basic level, he would have to pay someone to do what I do to go to work if I wasn't SAH w/ our son.
I still don't get why you think that it's "crazy" to spend money that someone else technically makes. That's the point.
If you could address that instead of typing walls of text that make no sense based on what I am asking, I might be able to understand what you're saying.
Am I being unclear? I felt like referring to the bolded part of your statement was clear.