
Behavior chart to thwart tantrums?

My dd is going to turn four next month.  The tantrums died down for a while but now they're back in full force.  When she doesn't get her way in public, she throws a huge fit.  Fake tears - throws herself on the floor - the works.  It's embarassing and it's making me crazy. 

Yesterday my 80 and 85 year old aunt aunt and uncle flew 5 hours to visit us.  They took dd and I to the zoo and planned a whole fun day just for dd.  Well, she was AWFUL. 

Today dh and I brought dd to my inlaws house.  She didn't want to be there and threw another crazy fit.  Screaming and crying - rolling around under the kitchen table.  It was ridiculous! 

I don't know what to do.  My mom suggested a behavior chart.  Has that worked for anyone here?  If yes, where did you get it?  If not, what else do you suggest?  Help!!!!!!! 



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