DH and I are looking to rent a house. My question is to those who rent out properties or rent a home; is it standard to be asked by a private owner for your credit score from a specific company?
We run a credit check, definitely. But any company is fine, and I use one that will do a credit check and a criminal background check at the same time.
We ran a credit check and a background check on our tenant. We also got bank information and I can't remember what else. We have a property manager so he handles all of that. I think it's totally normal to be asked your credit score though.
Re: Renting a House
For our rental we have had tenants hand over info in order to request credit report, we have them bring a copy of their w-2's, background check.
Our home has had 2 tenants and it has been great. We automatically weeded out anyone that potentially could be a problem.