
Poll of sorts

Do you think there is any correlation between babies who take a pacifier and STTN? 

Ian took a nuk, Max did not - guess who STTN earlier.  I just wonder if is has something to do with them having that soother available?  We also had to feed Max in the middle of the night for a lot longer than Ian.  Only within the past month or so has that stopped! 

I was curious to find if anyone else had similar experiences.

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Re: Poll of sorts

  • No idea, DD took a nook and STTN from 9 days old and on... DS never did and well, he still does not STTN.

    Lord help me.

  • Both my boys took pacifiers, one started sleeping through the night at 14 months, the other is 2 1/2 and we aren't there yet...though he doesn't use a pacifier anymore.

    So i'd have to say that the pacifier didn't work for us!  Soooo sleep deprived!

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  • Honestly, I think STTN depends on the kid and has nothing to do with the pacifier. Peyton STTN at 10 weeks and had a binky for 2.5 years. C has a binky too, and is still waking up at least once a night at four months.

    ~Erica, Mommy to Peyton 9/06 & Cullen 9/09
  • Not for me.  Bennett is my only paci kid, and he didn't STTN until 14 months.  Evan only occasionally took the paci and refused it by 3 months.  He was my best sleeper... started STTN pretty consistently by around 5 months.  Thomas refused the paci from the beginning.  At almost 8 months, he still wakes up some, but he's a much better sleeper than Bennett was.
  • DD slept through the night, no passy.  DS still doesn't at almost 10 months, and still doesn't  He took a passy, but stopped around 3 or 4 months.
  • DS1 - STTN at 4 mos, no paci/thumb

    DD1 - STTN at 3 mos, paci

    Twins - DS STTN at 3 mos (10 hours), sucks thumb

        DD STTN at 3 mos (7 hours), paci  

  • Neither of my kids took a pacifier and DS slept like crap for the first year and DD had to be woken up to be fed the first weeks because of jaundice. DD is still an awesome sleeper, and DS still sleeps like crap. I think it really just depends on the kid.


  • Nope.  Both my girls took MAM pacis - though I think DD#2 might have been more attached but that came when she was older.  DD#1 STTN at 13 weeks old consistently.  DD#2 didn't STTN until 6-7 months old when we let her CIO and we had lots of regression when we moved her back into her room (we let her CIO in the guest room so she didn't wake up DD#1).  She's still not nearly the sleeper that DD#1 is/was.  She also was never a good napper.  I always figured that was the connection.  She wasn't getting enough sleep at naptime and naptime wasn't consistent enough which is why she didn't sleep as well at night.  Who knows? 
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