Minnesota Babies

TT- Underwater World

I was a little annoyed at the man behind the counter.  I had my cousin with me today (adult) and Maya.  I said 2 adults.  He said $45 something or another.  I put the brakes on that one, I mentioned something about toddler tuesday and he cut me off "you have to tell me that to get the discount".

I was a bit surprised how rude he was about it all.  He just left a bitter taste in my mouth UnderWaterWorld. 

Bright side?  Maya had a great time.  I wouldn't pay full price, but discounted it was worth it.

Re: TT- Underwater World

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    If Maya had a good time, and you live reasonably close, have you considered a membership?

    I agree that full price was way too much for that place, but comparitively their memberships are really reasonable.  

    We bought one and use it ALL the time.  Olivia absolutely loves it there, and it is so nice to have a place to run to with her if she starts getting antsy while we are out there shopping.  Sometimes we only stay 15 minutes, but it doesn't matter since we can go whenever we want.

    We live in St. Paul, which isn't exactly next door to Bloomington, and I still think that the membership there is totally worth it.

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    I am so sorry we didn't go to TT Aiden had been having a really hard time this morning. Next time we are at TT we will be getting a membership as Aiden LOVES seeing the fish at the zoo
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    Two questions.

    What's the discounted price for Toddler Tuesdays?

    What's does it cost to get a membership?


    We went there for DS's first birthday.  I found coupons online, so we got $2 off our tickets.  He absolutely loved it there and we'd like to go back soon.

    Mama to Elliot (11.09.08) and Jude (09.01.11)
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    Two questions.

    What's the discounted price for Toddler Tuesdays?  11.49 + tax

    What's does it cost to get a membership? Single $45 Dual $65

    Family $85 (2 adults 4 kids in same house)  Prem Family $120 (a gift, VIP stuff, guest passes, etc)


    We went there for DS's first birthday.  I found coupons online, so we got $2 off our tickets.  He absolutely loved it there and we'd like to go back soon.

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    Agreed on the prices, but kids 2 and under are free.  We bought the dual membership for me and DH, and then Liv gets to tag along for free.  :)
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    Agreed on the prices, but kids 2 and under are free.  We bought the dual membership for me and DH, and then Liv gets to tag along for free.  :)

    Sorry, forgot to mention Maya was free!

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