So I've been bringing DS to all my OB appointments without a problem (I'm SAHM). However, at 38 weeks they start doing an internal exam. Obviously I'm draped- he'd be in the stroller with some sort of activity (book, my phone, whatever). Am I crazy to think of bringing him? I just hate to get a sitter for a 20 minute appointment (I'd need to get her for at least 3 hours).
If I shouldn't bring him maybe I could get DH to go to work late?
Re: OB appointments with your toddler- internal exams
I'm planning on NOT bringing DS to those, but if I have no other option, then he'll sit in the stroller with a snack, toy/book/movie and I'll have him facing me, or at least not able to see what's going on down there maybe.
Or, at my clinic they are REALLY nice and helpful. They took DS outside the room for those brief minutes for me once.
If he is in a stroller, I don't see why it would be a problem. He wouldn't see anything.
My ds on the other hand would be all about looking to see what was going
That's funny you say this. DS has asked a handful of times (while looking down under my crotch), if the baby is coming out I don't really sugar coat either. I would rather him know the "real" deal, when he asks about stuff like that.
I've also had this question brought to me by DS, but I will have a C-Section so I just told them that they will take the baby out of mommy's tummy via surgery. LOL
Kaden William 11/4/06 and Dawson Michael 6/30/10
Dawson's first birthday - at the zoo