So, I just heard back that one of the best peris in Houston will take me as an OB patient. I am so glad to have that out of the way.
So, my first appointment is a week from today. What should I expect? Just a run down of medical history? Will she do an u/s?
Thanks ladies!
ETA: I will be 7w6d at the appointment.
Re: First peri appointment set up
Oh good! I am glad that worked out!
Yep, she'll go over medical history and do an ultrasound.
After 2 rounds of IVF & 2 rounds of FET, we were blessed with identical twin girls!
That's awesome! I didn't see an MFM until 16 weeks, so I'm not entirely sure what they'd do earlier. Probably an u/s, I would imagine. Maybe give you some guidelines on nutrition. My first MFM appointment (he was a douchewad, though) was a whole "doom and gloom" talk on the risks of a triplet pregnancy. They have to do it. It upset my husband more than me, but still.
Good luck, and let us know how it goes!
How to tell my boys apart
The different types of twins and triplets
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glad you have that set up!
they might take blood and/or urine too, just to make sure everything is in good shape.
Oh, yes, they took urine and weight/blood pressure/pulse.
I was also sent away with orders for the blood work that goes along with the NT scan, but my first appointment was at 10 weeks.
After 2 rounds of IVF & 2 rounds of FET, we were blessed with identical twin girls!
I just had my first peri appt yesterday It was really long.
First, a nurse took my medical history. Then, she walked me through a whole wad of stuff I was supposed to read. Talked to me about nutrition. Told me how the practice works. Etc. Did an ultrasound.
Then the doctor came in. Talked to us about screening, about risks, about how I should behave differently as a woman pregnant with twins. Answered my many questions. Talked more about nutrition. Did a pap smear.
Then I had to go give blood and urine to the lab.