
Not so impressed with MoM group

So I went to the local MoM meeting last night, and it was pretty blah.  I dont think I'm going to join at this point, but will look into it again later when the boys are old enough for playdates and such.  I was by far the youngest person there, at 27, and the only person I really connected with was middle aged.  (I liked her sarcasm). 

We don't really know many people in this area so I was hoping for some connections, but I guess not.  I think I'll have better luck after joining the local ymca

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Re: Not so impressed with MoM group

  • One of the reasons I joined early was for the classifieds and the MoMs sale.  I live pretty far out for most play dates so we will see when the twins get here how that all works out.
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  • I wouldn't go off just one meeting.  You never know.  I'd try a few before you finally decide.
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  • imageahava2005:
    I wouldn't go off just one meeting.  You never know.  I'd try a few before you finally decide.

    i agree - one meeting is NOT what any group is all about - esp busy MoMs who can't go to everything- there might be a ton of women you'd connect with at other events.

    I haven't gone to any of my local MoM group regular meetings- but i have gone to a farm event and a new mom's meeting - and had fun at both. I also loved the MoM garage sale they had when i was pg - and plan to sell at it this year.


  • Ditto ahava and goldie!! Try, try again. I am a younger MoM too but find it really helpful to meet parents of all ages as you will have that bond as a mother regardless of #s.

    I also have found it helpful to get together more w/friends or former co-workers who are moms already--most have singletons or a toddler and a baby--simply b/c we have a lot to talk about, relate to, etc.--We can learn from each other, despite the fact that I have 2 the same age vs. 1+ of diff. ages. We tend to all have the same general concerns/topics of interest for our kids.


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  • I pretty much just joined for the sales.  I went to 1 meeting (the night I joined) and wasn't so impressed.  Maybe if I knew people there (which of course I'd know people if I went) it would be better, but they just talked about club business the entire time (who the officers were, how much money the club had, etc).  I'll probably go to the dinners before the sales just to get some info, but other than that I wasn't uber impressed.  We'll see, I might give it another shot sometime.
  • I agree with pp- join! it doesnt hurt.

    I am getting a free almost new Double Snap N go because a MoM from my group doesnt need hers anymore.

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