So I went to the local MoM meeting last night, and it was pretty blah. I dont think I'm going to join at this point, but will look into it again later when the boys are old enough for playdates and such. I was by far the youngest person there, at 27, and the only person I really connected with was middle aged. (I liked her sarcasm).
We don't really know many people in this area so I was hoping for some connections, but I guess not. I think I'll have better luck after joining the local ymca
Re: Not so impressed with MoM group
Married and it feels so good!
i agree - one meeting is NOT what any group is all about - esp busy MoMs who can't go to everything- there might be a ton of women you'd connect with at other events.
I haven't gone to any of my local MoM group regular meetings- but i have gone to a farm event and a new mom's meeting - and had fun at both. I also loved the MoM garage sale they had when i was pg - and plan to sell at it this year.
Ditto ahava and goldie!! Try, try again. I am a younger MoM too but find it really helpful to meet parents of all ages as you will have that bond as a mother regardless of #s.
I also have found it helpful to get together more w/friends or former co-workers who are moms already--most have singletons or a toddler and a baby--simply b/c we have a lot to talk about, relate to, etc.--We can learn from each other, despite the fact that I have 2 the same age vs. 1+ of diff. ages. We tend to all have the same general concerns/topics of interest for our kids.
I agree with pp- join! it doesnt hurt.
I am getting a free almost new Double Snap N go because a MoM from my group doesnt need hers anymore.