
silly WWYD ?

Another fish died.  We bought 2 cheapy grocery store goldfish Christmas eve, both died.  Bought 2 black moor goldfish 2 days ago.  One was dead this morning.

Give up and buy a plastic fish ?

Try another black moor or something else to give the lone ranger a friend ?

Re: silly WWYD ?

  • Plastic. :) good luck!

    Or maybe a beta fish? (he'd have to be alone though)

  • Ugh. I hate fish (too much upkeep for me). I would go with give
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  • We had a lot of bad luck when we got DS his fish tank.  The first 6 fish died within weeks of buying them (mostly days but a few held on for a week or two).  But the last fish we got him wasn't a goldfish, but a beta (I think).  That fish lived over a year!  And trust me, we are not great about keeping the tank clean. 

    FWIW - I would have never boughten the stupid thing if DH didn't swear he would take care of it.  It's a PITA, but works as a great night light for DS.  

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  • find a carnival. Our carnie fish has tripled in size and has been alive since early summer. It's outlasted all our store fish.

    The thing creeps me out, though. It stares at you and chucks its rocks/gravel at the tank.  

  • get a beta fish....seriously you cant kill 'em.  I tried to execute ours several years ago....damn thing kept coming back up the toilet!
    Josh-10/1/87, Brittany 3/9/91, Mandi 7/26/92, Michelle 9/11/06 image I'M GRAPE JELLY- ALWAYS AROUND & ALWAYS THE SAME If I leave here tomorrow, would you still remember me. For I must be traveling on now. Because there are too many places I've got to see. -Allen Collins & Ronnie VanZant My favorite verse!
  • imagehappp17:

    find a carnival. Our carnie fish has tripled in size and has been alive since early summer. It's outlasted all our store fish.

    The thing creeps me out, though. It stares at you and chucks its rocks/gravel at the tank.  

    Too funny--This sounds like the "fair fish" my brother and I had as kids (Snowy and Flash--ha!). I am not making this up: They lived like 4 years, and got too big for the tank, so we let them go in a nearby pond. They ate all the other store fish we ever got to go with them. I swear, they were so tough I would not be surprised if they were still alive, 30 years later!
  • imageKrisBriMcBunny:
    get a beta fish....seriously you cant kill 'em.  I tried to execute ours several years ago....damn thing kept coming back up the toilet!

    LMAO!!!! This is hilarious!

  • We have had our carnival fish for 2 years now.. they are huge, they keep getting bigger and i keep having to upgrade the fish bowl to bigger sizes!! The thing will go days without food and forever without having it's water changed!!! the thing has a gazillion lives i swear.
  •'ll have to wait for the next carnival to come to town.  We had two that lived forever it seemed.  They were just in a smallish fishbowl, too.
  • I'd give up.  Fish are hard to keep right, especially in bowls and with MI winters. 

    Are you sure you're not overfeeding though?  I've heard that is how most people kill their fish.  They're only supposed to get 1-2 pellets per day. 

  • Get a Beta. they live forever.
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  • It depends on the type of tank you have set up. 

    We had 5 fish all die over 2 days when we first set up our tank, then we did some research and learned a lot more about setting it up.  You're apparently supposed to get a water testing kit, and maybe put like one fish in there.  We put a sucker fish in to start with and monitored the levels.  We also added plants and just tracked the way the ammonia and nitrate levels flowed.  I can't remember how it's all supposed to be set up, but these levels being wrong was what killed our first group of fish.  

    If you do have a filter system, which is very soothing to listen to, and good for your fish, then you should also know to not change the filter, it destroys all of the hard work you put into setting up a nice fish ecosystem.

    After your chemical levels stabilize you can start slowly adding more fish, just make sure they aren't types that will kill each other :)

    We ended up with a bunch of ghost shrimp in our tank, and we didn't really have to do anything to the tank. They cleaned it, along with the suckerfish, and we fed added food about once a week.   Our tank was very nice looking compared to when we'd been cleaning it out ourselves.

    Unfortunately, our tank broke when we were moving last year, and we don't have another one set up, so I can't remember all of the specifics.  There are some really good websites that can probably explain the nitrite cycle, and how to establish a fish tank that won't kill your fish :D

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