DH and I just got back after 2 weeks in NZ. It was a great trip - but I missed the +35 group! I hope you all had happy holidays.
Everything was great except I did not get a +OPK I am not temping, but got one last month and really, really wanted to get one on the trip. I tested a couple of times a day (in port-a-potties, before hikes, at the beach. . . I always had a stick or two in my backpack!) so I don't think I just missed my surge.
We did act like we got a + every day, so that was fun
I am trying not to be sad, but my PMS symptoms are underway (they start days and days before AF). I knew it was a long shot, and I know I should be realistic, but it is hard not to have a little hope.
Re: back north of the equator
Welcome back! I bet NZ was fabulous.
Of course you should have hope! Piles and piles of it. Not over until it's over
Welcome back! NZ is on my list of trips to take.
Hope is a good thing!
Welcome back!
Everyone should have hope!
Thanks ladies-
Great to be back on the Nest! (work. . . not so much. . . )