on Facebook, one of my friends posted this as her status.
"Ladies, your red, black,pink, blue, white, butterflied, cheetah printed, and clear bra colors made the channel 4 SLC news tonight. Facebook doesn't know who started it going but the Susan B Kolman foundation says it was a great way to raise awareness for breast cancer. Way to g...o! Post this on your walls and spread the word.."
Re: Don't know if this is true or not but all those that doubted the bra thing...
Awareness is awareness is awareness.
If by making it a game, and posting the color of one's bra causes just one more woman to do a self examination and protect herself, isn't it worth it!?
I just don't see how it could be looked at as a bad thing. It wasn't meant as offensive yet I guess people can find offensiveness in everything, if they really try.
It's just like here --- when I say 'SAH is WONDERFUL!' that does NOT = working sucks! Unless you want it to. KWIM?!
ditto---- and why??
I am aware of 2 issues
1 - it was kind of dumb
2 - breast cancer survivors who had had mastectomies were like 'wtf'.
I agree. slacktivism. and tacky at that. the secrecy thing was stupid. fine to play a game.... but the whole only forward it to your girlfriends and not post what it is on your wall is stupid. And based on the responses I saw on friends color post, breast cancer awareness and self exam encouragement was lost in the wind. a lot of oooo... ahhh... I wanna see... let's go shopping... balony. It became more of an oo la la cheesy game. I wasn't offended... but I did not participate. I posted links to stories from real survivors instead.
Well of course it was dumb - it came from the land of Farmville and Sorority Life.
I just think it was harmless and dumb.
Well, what do you expect the Komen people to do - denounce it? Of course they'll spin it as effective awareness.
That doesn't change the fact that it was an inane way for people to feel good about themselves without actually doing anything. I found the whole thing ridiculously stupid.