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and it was AWESOME. The first time since Wednesday I've slept more than an hour and a half. I actually feel decent today : )
(except for it's freaking cold...30-something degrees. This is FL )
Great you got some sleep.
I heard it was cold in FL. I'm in MI and it is frigid. My niece (Orlando) texted us that they had "slush" and a friend said her FIL said the lows in the Key's (where they live) is 30. Brrrrrr.
Re: I slept for five hours last night...
Great you got some sleep.
I heard it was cold in FL. I'm in MI and it is frigid. My niece (Orlando) texted us that they had "slush" and a friend said her FIL said the lows in the Key's (where they live) is 30. Brrrrrr.