I posted pics on the 12-24 month board. Here is the link!
Right now my mom is helping out but she is leaving tomorrow to be with her mom in TN who's health is failing... so I'm going to be pretty much on my own with these two right off the bat! DH's schedule is flexible but he will have to go to work every day, even if it's just for a little while... and DH's parents won't be able to make it down from PA for a couple more weeks.
Any tips or tricks would be greatly appreciated! Let the fun begin!
Re: It's official... I now have 2U2!
Take your pain meds if you need 'em.
Put your baby in a sling.
Call a friend or neighbor if you know anyone who SAH, and ask them to come over and help (even if it's just to play with your older child).
I missed your post over on 12-24! Congratulations! She is absolutely adorable!! That second picture is perfect ... I can't stand the cuteness!
I really don't have any tips for the first few weeks. I was spoiled, because my Mom came to stay with me for the first 3 weeks. I'm sure you'll do great. Just remember there will be great days and horrible days, but it is all so, so worth it! I LOVE how my boys interact right now ... nothing more amazing
Logan David 03.27.08
Jacob Riley 05.18.09
{Member since 2007}