Alabama Babies

Bradley Method

Has anyone used the Bradley Method?  DH thinks I've lost my mind, but the more I read up on it, the more interesting it is.  The only problem for us is that the closest classes are in Auburn, and I think it might be hard to get there once a week given DH's work schedule.
Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
BabyFruit Ticker

m/c 05/2009
DD born 8/9/10
TTC #2 since 8/2012
CP 12/2012
dx MFI 10/2013
Surprise BFP 11/6/2013  EDD 7/19/2014
Beta #1 15 dpo HCG 355 Prog 30.9
Beta #2 22 dpo HCG 8147 Prog 18.8
Beta #3 29 dpo HCG 44580 Prog 29.8

Re: Bradley Method

  • My SIL used Bradley and absolutely loved her labor experience (up until the emergency C-Section).  I don't know where in the state you are, but she took her classes in Tuscaloosa.
  • yep, i was planning on taking a class, but the bradley instructor who's card i had apparently has something wrong with her email address b/c it keeps bouncing back. so i found a place that teaches a natural birth class that i may go to. and i also plan to read the hypnobirthing book.
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  • Ya'll are braver than me.  I cannot imagine natural childbirth.  I am a wuss.
  • imageSoon2BMrsWiley:
    Ya'll are braver than me.  I cannot imagine natural childbirth.  I am a wuss.

    nah, you're not a wuss at all!

  • imageSoon2BMrsWiley:
    Ya'll are braver than me.  I cannot imagine natural childbirth.  I am a wuss.

     I'm a total wuss, which is why DH thinks I've lost my mind.  I think I want to try and go natural, but I'm not going to feel like I've failed if I have to ask for drugs. 

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    BabyFruit Ticker

    m/c 05/2009
    DD born 8/9/10
    TTC #2 since 8/2012
    CP 12/2012
    dx MFI 10/2013
    Surprise BFP 11/6/2013  EDD 7/19/2014
    Beta #1 15 dpo HCG 355 Prog 30.9
    Beta #2 22 dpo HCG 8147 Prog 18.8
    Beta #3 29 dpo HCG 44580 Prog 29.8

  • you may consider hiring a doula.  She will be able to help you thru your labor & delivery. 


  • I don't know anyone who did the Bradley method but a friend of mine did hypnobirthing and she said it was a calming experience...she uses some of the techniques for other situations that may otherwise be painful as well. 
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