TTC after 35

why, why, why do I torture myself with testing?

I promised myself this month that I wouldn't test before AF was at least a few days late. of course I tested two days early and now today (day AF is due). BFNs. why can't I just wait it out? tests are expensive! and I hate seeing that stupid single line.

 who's with me? 

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Re: why, why, why do I torture myself with testing?

  • I think I have only tested twice. I always just wait it out :) But I know sometimes it's not that easy!
  • imagemmz:

    I promised myself this month that I wouldn't test before AF was at least a few days late. of course I tested two days early and now today (day AF is due). BFNs. why can't I just wait it out? tests are expensive! and I hate seeing that stupid single line.

     who's with me? 

    I'm with ya sister.  I just tested today at lunch.  Yeah, no FMU but it was eating me up.  AF is due in two days, I'm out of tests so, I won't test again. I'm sure she'll show up. 

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  • Don't do it! 

    My secret is that I am on cycle 22 and have yet to test.  I just wait for AF to be late but *sigh* she never is.  I could not deal with looking at the negative stick month after month.

  • i have about 3 or 4 days til AF and I am wanting to test. HOwever, today I started getting crampy and temp went down .1 today so made husband hold on to the last HPT i have until the day we are supposed to test
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  • You are definitely not alone! I torture myself constantly knowing af is just around the corner. Even the dollar tests add up, but I still do it. This month, I'm just waiting on the old hag. I don't have any tests and no time to go get one. She should be here in 2 - 3 days. It'll be a shock and blessing if she doesn't.
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