Alabama Babies

Horrible Cycles!

Ok...sorry if this is TMI...and really long!  

Back several years ago I had a very rare type of cyst.  It actually caused me to lose my right ovary!  So my doc and I have been super careful to make sure I did not have any cysts develop on my left! OB/GYN ended up moving his practice to a different part of the state.  So I have been seeing a new OB here in B'ham.  I went to her two months ago because I started having bad pelvic pains...similar to what I had before.  She acted like I should not even be concerned....but I insisted on her seeing me!  Sure enough....I have another cyst.  It measures around 5.7cm.  I had to wait almost five days...and call multiple times for them to give me the results of my US.  Then had to call and bug the crap out of her nurse to find out what we needed to do about it!

After being off bc for over 3 years...she put me back on the pills.  I now remember why I hated the stuff!  It makes me feel so awful :(   I am on Seasonique..which is supposed to make you only have a period every third month.  I am almost finished with my second month....and I am having a seriously heavy and painful period.  A seriously heavy and painful period that has been going on for two freakin weeks!!  I tried for several days...and nobody in the office will call me back.  I am just so over this mess.  I want the cyst gone.....but I am tired of the bleeding and cramping!!  I am calling my old OB in the am.  I don't care how far I have to drive...I just want to see somebody that gives a s**t!  So I'm just wondering if I should stop taking the darn pills all together....or just wait until I see someone??

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Re: Horrible Cycles!

  • I was on Seasonique for a while and it was never that bad for me, but everyone is different. I do agree that your Ob/Gyn does not seem concerned and I would definetly try to find someone else. Maybe if your old Ob/Gyn is to far to drive maybe they can recommend someone closer for you. I would probably call your old OB in the morning if thats who you want to see and sak them if you should continue taking the until you can come in or should you just stop. Good Luck.
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • Oh I'm so sorry that sucks :( 

    I'd wait until you can talk to your old OB/GYN and see what their advice is...I'd tell them about your current situation(doctor) and see if he could recommend someone to you.  You need someone who was as thorough as your old doctor as a new doctor.  

    Good luck :)

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  • imagestar21gazer:

    Oh I'm so sorry that sucks :( 

    I'd wait until you can talk to your old OB/GYN and see what their advice is...I'd tell them about your current situation(doctor) and see if he could recommend someone to you.  You need someone who was as thorough as your old doctor as a new doctor.  

    Good luck :)

    This.  The very fact that they will not call you back is not acceptable.  I really don't have much advice, but please keep us posted!

  • I have already been planning to make a change.  I really liked my BFF's doc that is at St. V....but right now I just want someone who knows my situation.  I had used my old OB since I was 17...and he did my surgery.  At least I don't have to start from square one with him!  Hopefully I can get in to see him soon...or at least get some answers to my questions!

    I have just been so frustrated with my currents docs whole staff.  Having to call day after day and never getting an answer....I just can't take that anymore :( 

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  • imagePinkLadyRN1:

    I have already been planning to make a change.  I really liked my BFF's doc that is at St. V....but right now I just want someone who knows my situation.  I had used my old OB since I was 17...and he did my surgery.  At least I don't have to start from square one with him!  Hopefully I can get in to see him soon...or at least get some answers to my questions!

    I have just been so frustrated with my currents docs whole staff.  Having to call day after day and never getting an answer....I just can't take that anymore :( 

    I'd call your current OB's office and insist on speaking to the office manager and then let them know why you will no longer need their services.  I've worked on the administrative side of human healthcare as well and they way you are being treated is ridamndiculous.

  • Girl...I have even gone by their office when I got off work one morning.  Still could not get any answers!!  I am just so pissed off....and tired of this horrible period that will NEVER go away :(

    DH and I really wanted to start ttc after the first of this year (for obvious health reasons).  Looks like that is not even in the cards right now.  I had to just give up on charting until I can get off this roller coaster! 

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  • imagePinkLadyRN1:

    Girl...I have even gone by their office when I got off work one morning.  Still could not get any answers!!  I am just so pissed off....and tired of this horrible period that will NEVER go away :(

    DH and I really wanted to start ttc after the first of this year (for obvious health reasons).  Looks like that is not even in the cards right now.  I had to just give up on charting until I can get off this roller coaster! 

    See, that's what makes me the most angry for you. Their incompetence is making you put your plans on hold.  

    I had a HORRIBLE experience with my former GYN.  She would never listen to me and I had a problem that lasted for a year and half before she took me seriously.  She continually brushed me off about it.  And I started to feel like a crazy person.

    My current GYN's office got to the bottom of it in less than a month and we were able to start TTC a few months later.

    Hopefully talking to your old GYN will help and you can get this all figured out.  GL!

  • Oh my gosh!  I would keep taking the pills until you see your old doctor.  I'm so sorry that you have been going through this and don't have the words to say how ridiculous your current doctor is. Like pp said, hopefully your old doc can figure this out quickly and you can start ttc soon.  ((HUGS))
  • Thanks guys!  It has been a really bad past few months.  After I left her office the first time I just sat at home and cried.  I knew what I saw on that monitor....and I was so scared that meant surgery again.  I am just ready to fix this!  I was so upset that I even told her nurse " I only have one ovary that now has a huge cyst on it..and NO children.  Why am I the only one that seems concerned"!!
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  • I don't have any advice for you but ((((HUGS))))). I agree that the lack of concern for your new GYN is totally unacceptable.  I hope you get the answers you need soon.
    Siggy coming soon....
  • That is just horrible that they show such a lack of concern..I really hope you can get this fixed asap and that you can go ahead with your ttc plans soon!   
  • you poor thing.  I"m sorry you're going thru all of that :(  I hope it gets better for you soon. 
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