I don't remember if I ever introduced you girls to him yet or not, the last month we have been in survival mode with our new little guy. I am now a MOMMY!!
We were matched with his BM on Sept 16, met with her and talked to her on the phone a few times over the next 2 1/2 months, and DH and I were there in the hospital room helping her when he was born. I cut the cord! We are so very blessed, we just love his BM and her BF and this little guy is the love of our lives. We are probably biased, but we think he is the cutest thing ever.
He was born on Dec 2 at 12:59pm, 7 lb 8 oz. healthy and seriously strong. We brought him home from the hospital on Dec 4. At his 1 month appt this past week, he now weighs 10 lb 5 oz. He was our Christmas baby, and it was the best Christmas ever!!
It took us 1 year and 8 months, almost exactly, from the day we made our decision to adopt to the day our sweet baby boy was born. Overall with the infertility treatments and trying on our own, we have been on this journey for our first baby for just under 3 years when he was born. We had many days and nights where we just broke down and cried with despair feeling like it just wasn't going to happen. The wait is the hardest part! But, I decided to post our little story to give all of you hope that are still waiting. It will happen. And TRUST me, once you are matched......it goes by so quick it's like a whirlwind. The one thing that got me through from the day we found out we were matched until we brought our son home, was praying each night with DH. Even though we aren't tremendously religious people, I am catholic so it helped me to put my worries and fears into someone elses hands and ask for help. It did wonders for my sanity. Since there isn't anything you can do during the wait, but well wait, lightening a candle and saying a small prayer each night was the one thing we could control and do.
So without further ado, I would like to introduce you to our son Logan. I have his birth announcement picture in my siggy.
Re: Meet our new little man!
My Blog
Congratulations! He's adorable.