
At what point did you stop worrying so much about PTL?

Or at what point do the Drs not try to stop it?

I'm not really worried, but these last few days have been rough, and I seem to be worrying about every little ache and cramp.  I REALLY want to stay pg for another 3 weeks at least, but I think once I hit the 36 week mark I can relax a bit.

Re: At what point did you stop worrying so much about PTL?

  • My worry has increased this past week, especially after seeing small contractions at my NST.  I am really hoping those were a result of my cervix check because I don't want these babies coming before their c-section date (36w2d).   But like you, I am worrying about every ache and cramp.  :(

    After 2 rounds of IVF & 2 rounds of FET, we were blessed with identical twin girls!

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  • I worried about PTL until I hit 38 wks. It was only the 5 days after that I was "ok" with them coming once we passed the end zone and were sooo anxious to meet our miracles!!

    I think it is so hard not to worry about PTL--but just think of what a GREAT job you are doing and as my dr. always would say "just keep doin' what you're doin'" cuz look at how far you've come! If at all poss., just allow yourself to rest and take it easy in the home stretch.

    Wishing you lots of more cookin' time!! 

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  • My Dr told me at my last appt on Monday that they won't try to stop it if I go into labor from here on out.  We're scheduled for a C-section at 37 wks 6 days, so I really only have a little over 2 weeks left.  As long as we hit the 36 week mark, I feel good about it, too.  Since the appointment, it's been getting progressively more difficult for me.  I've also gone back to work this week, too.  That might be part of it.  I'm ready for my LOs to come on out!!

  • Around 35w I wasn't too worried anymore.  At 36w I was getting anxious (but the babies weren't ready, so it's good I made it to my scheduled c/s).
  • you should ask your doctor about their particular opinions on when they would/wouldn't stop labor.  My doctor wouldn't stop labor after 34 weeks and so my kids were born at exactly 34 weeks.  That doesn't mean I would still worry about PTL at that point, if I'd have had the option to keep them in longer I would have been hoping to get them to AT LEAST 36 weeks, preferably longer... so I don't think I would have stopped worrying about PTL until around 37 weeks or so.
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  • i stopped worrying at 36w because that is when DS1 was born and he was fine- so i felt more comfortable with that week.  My OB said at 34w they probably wouldn't do much to stop labor, though.... which is also why they stopped doing cervix checks after 32w.
  • I think they don't stop labor after ... it's either 34w or 35w, usually, because at that point the drugs they would use to stop labor could do more harm than delivering early (IIRC). I was more relaxed by 36w and definitely by 37w.
    fraternal twin boys born january 2009
  • I am on a terbutaline pump, which my OB will keep me on until I'm practically being wheeled back for my c section (which will occur probably between 36-37 weeks - A is double footling breech so she doesn't want me going into labor). She would not use magnesium to stop labor after 34 weeks.

    I'm still a little worried now, but not as much as I was before 30 weeks. I will be even less worried at 34 weeks, on so on and so forth. ;)

  • Well, I had progressive stages of worrying. Like around 30w I worried a little bit less b/c I felt like they'd have a rough start, but a good shot then. At 32w I was even feeling better like, OK, I'm 32w, I CAN make it. At 34w when I knew my OB would not do anything to prevent labor made me feel a bit better b/c they'd be in the nursery, but fine. At 35w which is considered "average" for twin gestation I felt better. At 36w I felt "golden".

    Though I will say at my 35w4d appt. when she did a cervical check and told me I was already almost 3cm and he was low I got a bit freaked out. She said, "I don't think you'll make it longer than a week." And exactly 1 week later my babies are here. At 36w4d, they're perfect.

     I did really, really want to get to 37w, just to feel completely safe, but it all turned out well for us. They did do a few extra tests on them that they would not have, if they'd waited 3 more days to come out--like checking their blood sugar 3 times the first day of life to make sure they were sustaining it, they had to do the carseat test before I could take them home, things like that. They had A LOT of people in the delivery OR just to be sure they would be OK and they were. They passed these tests w/ flying colors though, spent no time in the nursery and came home when I did.

    Anyhow, you are SO close. And at this point, your little ones will do great. Try to take it as easy as possible in the time that comes. Really, really take it easy and you'll make it!!

  • Thanks for the encouraging replies, I do actually feel better, mentally and physically.  I'm quite sure I'll make it to 36w, and very hopeful I'll even make it to 38.

    I think I'm just anxious to have my final MFM appt next week (haven't seen the babies in over 5 weeks now!) and know that everything is progressing as it should.

  • I think I had stopped worrying when I was about where you are. The Dr. seemed very positive and not so worried about stopping labor at my 34wk appt. She said they would do fine at that point.

    Of course I wasn't satisfied at 34 weeks and kept making mini week goals since then. Each week I worry less and less. Once I got to 37 weeks I was like "Bring it on babies...I dare you!" Now I'm just looking forward to my scheduled 38wk C in 3 days!! Before you know it, you'll be there!!

    It's funny how I spent my whole pregnacy wanting to keep them in for as long as possible, but once I hit that point close the end my whole view on the subject changes and I'm wanting them to come asap :)

  • For me, sadly, never.  I was terrified of it from the start.  I had an appt at 18 weeks when I was convinced I was in PTL.  I started having cramps on and off around 23 weeks but kind of told myself it was all normal.  But at 25 weeks ended up in the hosptial with PTL then on bedrest till the end.  My doc told me getting to 35 weeks was a major accomplishment, and you are there!  YOu ahve made it so far!  I know my doc said after 35 they wouldn't try to stop it.

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