I may get flamed for this, but oh well. Im due with baby #3 in june. Ds1 is 3 yrs. And ds2 is 21 mos., and Im considering getting a baby doll to show them a lil about a baby. I just want them to be gentle around the new baby, and show them how small the baby is going to be. Do you think this is a good idea? I know its not going to have a whole lot of influence on them, but just a thought. Wdyt?
Re: Baby doll for lil boys....
We got DS a cabbage patch doll before DD was born. He would sit and feed his baby while I was nursing DD and he still plays with it on occasion. I think it's a good idea and he'll have fun with it.
Ryan 5/2010, Kyle 1/2007, Eric 3/2005
I don't see why not. This is a good thing and I can't see how it can be a bad thing.
what's funny is DS has a boy doll and he has ZERO interest in it. lol. I think it would be fun to put it in the bath with him and I ended up washing the doll and playing with it!!
I got #1 a baby boy doll when I was expecting his little brother. He still plays with it sometimes and pretends to change his diaper, etc. Like SummerbrideDC said, I hope he does have a lot of influence him. Anything that influences him to be caring and nurturing is a good thing.
Btw, he also has a play kitchen with pink hardware - gasp!!! And a mini dyson vacuuum. I hope they influence him to cook and clean
Dolls teach children how to care and protect something smaller than them. I wish more people would give their boys dolls.
I really like this one:
DS has a cabbage patch boy doll, which he really couldn't care less about
I am thinking about getting him one that is more like an infant and comes with a bottle (so he can feed it when I feed the new baby), but I don't know if he would be any more interested in that doll and I don't want to waste any money... Also, I am bf, so IDK if he would even really associate the bottle with the baby... but he could change his baby's diapers when I change the new baby's diapers... IDK, I am still thinking it through.
Those are my thoughts, either way, I certainly don't think it is a bad idea! DS is very nurturing and loving to the dog (when he isn't chasing her with things) and other general toys, but he doesn't really take an interest in the doll. I wouldn't have known until I bought it. Maybe your son will end up being interested, so I would give it a try. GL!