We did once, but never again. We love our pedi, but she is very much against AP and wants us to let Robinson CIO for almost everything to build independence, she says. I don't have anything against CIO, but it's just not our style or how we want to parent. She has a very hands off approach to parenting...which is fine and probably has to since she is a doctor and works long hours. However, we like our AP style and just ask my parents (my parents practiced AP with my brothers and I and DH and I really like their style).
Re: do you ask your pedi *parenting* questions?
We did once, but never again. We love our pedi, but she is very much against AP and wants us to let Robinson CIO for almost everything to build independence, she says. I don't have anything against CIO, but it's just not our style or how we want to parent. She has a very hands off approach to parenting...which is fine and probably has to since she is a doctor and works long hours. However, we like our AP style and just ask my parents (my parents practiced AP with my brothers and I and DH and I really like their style).