Is your job related to your degree?
I graduate in May with a degree in General Studies with a major in Social Science and a minor in Business. I will be starting teacher certification this summer to become an elementary teacher. Just wondering what other moms out there are doing and if your degree is at all related to your profession.
Re: Poll: Are you a college graduate? and..
Yes, I'm a college graduate.
No, I don't work in my major.
BS in nursing
I'm a registered nurse.
sometimes I wish I would have double majored in something totally unrelated.
Alex (11/14/06) and Nate (5/25/10)
"Want what you have, do what you can, be who you are." - Rev. Forrest Church
yes and yes. I graduated with a double major in English (creative non-fiction writing concentration) and Media & Society (an interdisciplinary major that combines media studies and sociology). I'm the editor of a national business magazine now.
I LOVE what I do (writing and editing) but I'm sick of this particular job.
BS in journalism -- concentration in public relations and advertising. I have a minor in fine art.
I work in special events, which is sort-of PR and I'm a photographer, which utilizes my minor.
Yes and yes.
I have a Bachelor's degree in business and a Master's in HR Development. I am an HR Manager for a hospital.
Yes. My B.S. is Communication Disorders and my M.S. is Speech/Language pathology.
I work in a public school system as the SLP at an elementary school.
Yes, college graduate. No, job is not related to degree.
I have a degree in Metallurgical and Materials Engineering but am a SAHM. In fact, I was NEVER able to get a job using my degree after college and so I ended up not using it at all. Total waste of 4 years IMO.
Yes, and sort of.
Yes I have a bachelor's degree in Theology with a minor in English/writing. I work for a Christian publishing company. The theology degree comes in helpful, but it's my minor that I'm really putting to use.
StepMom to P, Mama to R and E.
SAHM and weekend NICU nurse
You take my ovaries, I take your yarns.
Yes and no (now)
I have a BA - dbl major in Athletic Training and Sports Admin. Before being a SAHM (after DS1) I used it working as a therapist for an ortho surgeon, then again working clinic for another surgeon before DD1. Then I got a desk job in the medical field, so semi-related, doing Medicare compliance for for a health equip company. Now I SAHM again. I'll return to my most recent job at some point part-time, and plan to go back for either my MBA or another BA in Business....and possibly a minor in graphic design. My husband will eventually in the next couple years start his own electrical company and I'll manage that, and I'd like to do my own graphic design company on the side. I'll probably never go back to Athletic Training - the pay sucks and it's very long hours and very political. And a lot of Orthos (where you get normal hours) don't like both female ATCs and ATCs with family obligations.
Mum to Owen and Lucas
Yes, I have a BA in Politics with a minor in Sociology and an MPP in Public Policy.
My current job has very little to do with my degree - I work PT for my friend's market research company. It was the right opportunity at the right time.
Before, I worked for an education related membership association (non-profit) in the public policy department. I also worked in the government relations department at an internship program - many universities used it for their DC semester program.