Hi everyone. DH and I are just starting the process of researching International Adoption. We are in Toronto and he is 28 and I am 26 and we do not have any children yet.
The whole process is very overwhelming. I have already ordered Adoption for Dummies and reserved some books at the library.
Do you have any tips for a newb. How do you choose an agency and how do you decide what country you want to adopt from.
Are there any other resources I should check out or any other books you reconmend?
What should we expect besides long waits and lots of red tape?
Re: Intro from Canada
I just wanted to give you a heads up on a few things that I have learned about international adoption (we decided to go the domestic route, due to some of this issues, however the biggest factor for us was my chronic illness) This is just so that you can be aware and decide what route and maybe a particular country you want to look into
Some contries, are somewhat particular in how old both you and your DH are, I am 26 myself, so I understand what it feels like to be on the young side of things trying to adopt. I believe for example China would like parents to be over the age of 30.
Some countries and agencies care about how long you have been married as well, just something to keep in mind.
I found this book to be really helpful "The Complete Book of International Adoption: A Step by Step Guide to Finding Your Child"
Have you looked into adoption in your area?
I am in Tennessee and we adoted a child from B.C. that we knew the family. My understanding is that Canada likes for people from Canada to adopt children from Canada. We had a LOT of red tape and hoops to go through to bring DD home. When we finally got her Visa we were told that we were the first to cross into the US with a child from Canada with the new laws in place.
My point is it may be easier and cost less to do a DA in your country. I would check that out as a option. Our DD was drug exposed with no prenatal care and is doing great. Just a though.
There's a Web site by a woman named Dawn Davenport (if you Google her name and adoption it's easy to find) that gives the requirements of a number of countries. It's a US Website though, so a it US-centric.
My standard advice is to choose a country before choosing an agency (as many agencies "specialize" in specific countries) and to make sure my agency had more than one program in which I was interested (because right now IA is very dynamic).
You seem to dismiss domestic adoption, and I wonder why that's not in your consideration set as well.
Thanks for your replies.
Honestly we haven't ruled out domestic adoption, but I thought it took a lot longer to complete a domestic adoption, maybe I am way off base though.
We have been married for just over 4 years, hopefully that is long enough. I will also check out that book too.
I am about an hour away from you, and looking into adoption as well.
I also wanted to say that I haven't seen you on the Canada local nest board before... you should say hi, it's a nice group!?