
Here Kitty Kitty Kitty

You should try some chapstick on those big ol botox lips :)

Re: Here Kitty Kitty Kitty

  • chap







  • I updated it.. I even took out the controversial statement that people seemd to like so much about the unmedicated c-sections.
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  • Can I call you Jen Duggar? 

    Can PMQ tell you that she may think that it may have  been a sign from God that you stop having children because the twins occupy Ian and Holly too much for you to pay attention to them since you are too occupied with a newborn AND given the troubles you had during pregnancy.

    I give her permission to tell you.

  • LOL.

    Did you tell her about how I abandon my kids and come to your house?

  • Yep.  I even tell everyone about how you stay for prolonged hours every Saturday and Sunday and sometimes during the week when I'm at work just so you can be away making Bill stay home with them when he has repeatedly said he would rather you not.
  • I am such a bad wife...
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