Aaargghh!! I had blood running down my thighs at 4:30 this morning. Not a good way to start my day. Luckily it has stopped for now.
Just got back from my reg OB and a curbside visit to my favorite MFM. I have a subchorionic bleed and am on strict bed rest through Sunday. The good news is that there are still 2 babies, 2 heartbeats and they both grew from last week.
I'm used to seeing high risk patients; I'm not liking being one of them. This is indeed no fun. I am a much better doctor than I am a patient. But this too shall pass and off I run to the couch (err walking slowly).
Re: subchorionic bleed
How scary! Hope it's a totally uneventful weekend for you and everything is fine by Monday. Take good care of yourself and your precious cargo.
BFP #2 - 12/9/09 After being on bedrest for 10 weeks due to TTTS and hospital bedrest for 4 weeks due to PPROM, my sticky babies are here! Born at 32 weeks!!
IUI #3 gave us the best 2nd anniv. gift ever: 2 babies! (born 03/09/10)
Peanut and Little Man are getting so big! 2 years old already!
finally blogging again at This Will Be: An Adventure
Hang in there, Dr. MoM!
I have been fighting it for almost 8 weeks now. I've had 4 major bleeding episodes -- bright red, murder scene type of thing with clots -- starting at 6w/5d and had last one on Christmas Day at 13w -- that was fun. Brown bleeding in between. Each time I rush to my Dr. or to ER expecting the worst, but the babies are always doing just fine and apparently not affected by where the SCH is located. I've just been given instructions of bed rest until the red stops each time, then no lifting over 10# and "take it easy" after that.
I must admit I'm getting a little spoiled by all the ultrasounds and follow-up visits! Just had a "normal" Dr. visit this week and they only listened to the heartbeats ... I felt "cheated". LOL!
Just think positively. Good luck to you.